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Red Sea

Tragic Capsizing of Boats Near Djibouti Results in Drowning of 45 Migrants

Certainly! Below is a rewritten version of the content with unique phrasing, human-like nuances, and a natural flow: --- It's a tale as old as time: technology transforming our daily existence. Over the past decade, we've witnessed a whirlwind of innovation - a digital renaissance, if you will. The gadgets and gizmos that were once figments of our imagination have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our everyday lives. But how did we get here? And more importantly, what comes next? “Technological…

Ethiopia’s plan to build military bases in Red Sea stirs tensions

Ethiopia's plan to build military bases in Red Sea ignites tensions with Egypt NAIROBI, Kenya - The duel between Addis Ababa and Cairo seems far from over, even as the two countries fight for the construction of the Grand Renaissance dam which Egypt wants to fill periodically contrary to Ethiopia's plans. And the battle may now have shifted towards control of the military in the region, with…

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