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Ethiopian Minister Declares: North Western of Somalia Recognition on the Horizon

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - The conversation about recognizing North Western of Somalia isn't dying down in the Horn of Africa. A top Ethiopian official has restated Ethiopia’s unyielding stance, asserting that nothing will sway Addis Ababa’s decision. In a wildly shared tweet, now removed, Ethiopia’s State Minister for Industry, Tarekegn Bululta, declared Ethiopia’s intention to be the first nation to recognize North Western of Somalia as an independent country. He hinted that plans are already afoot. According to the…

North Western of Somalia’s President Boldly Negotiates for International Recognition

Seated stiffly in his presidential stronghold, Mr. Bihi articulates the case for North Western of Somalia’s independence. This territory, now claimed by North Western of Somalia, was once a British protectorate, whereas southern Somalia, with Mogadishu as its hub, fell under Italian stewardship. Although these two colonies fused in 1960, the union was fraught with discord. North Western of Somalia's rebels revolted against a tyrannical regime, leading to the massacre of thousands and Hargeisa being bombed to rubble—a…

Khatumo Leader Demands Full Recognition from Somalia’s Federal Authorities

In a recent statement, Abdiqadir Ahmed Ali Firdhiye, the head of the SSC-Khatumo administration, urged the Somali federal government to grant full recognition to their administration and transition it from its current temporary status. Firdhiye highlighted the vital role of SSC-Khatumo in upholding Somalia's unity and opposing North Western of Somalia's attempts to fragment the nation. He underscored the importance of the federal government protecting the SSC-Khatumo administration to maintain national unity, as they…

Exploring North Western of Somalia’s Pursuit of Global Recognition: Analyzing the Latest Progressions in the Quest

North Western of Somalia's Search for Global Recognition: Recent Events Explored In a major breakthrough, North Western of Somalia's President revealed Ethiopia's plan to acknowledge the region as an independent state. This declaration was made during the 33rd anniversary celebration of North Western of Somalia's self-proclaimed independence from Somalia. Although the Ethiopian government has not issued an official statement confirming this diplomatic advancement, recent ambassadorial appointments hint at the shift.…

North Western of Somalia Seeks Official Recognition from Ethiopia amidst Growing Tensions with Somalia

North Western of Somalia is eager to finalize a contentious agreement with Ethiopia, hoping to secure recognition as an independent state despite Somalia's strong opposition. Celebrating its unilateral declaration of independence in 1991, North Western of Somalia seeks international recognition while pursuing a deal with Ethiopia. Under the agreement, Ethiopia would recognize North Western of Somalia as independent in exchange for leasing sea access and the construction of a military base. Negotiations are in progress,…

Ethiopia Refutes Alleged Promise of Recognition to Somaliland: Insights from Diplomatic Sources

The Ethiopian government has admitted to neglecting the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland. Amid international pressure, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's administration failed to enforce the agreement, leaving diplomats in Addis Ababa concerned. Diplomatic sources revealed that Ethiopia assured Western diplomats of its commitment to upholding the territorial integrity and political unity of the Federal Republic of Somalia in line with the African Union Charter and international laws. Ethiopia clarified to…

official recognition of the opposition Democrats

Since yesterday in Benin, the Democratic Party of former head of state Boni Yayi is finally officially recognized and can participate in the animation of political life. It is the first major party in the radical opposition to Patrice Talon to have received permission since the political reforms in November 2019. In parliament and at the head of the cities, more than 95% of the elected officials come…

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