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Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway Enhances Trade and Logistics

In the labyrinth of Ethiopia’s rapidly evolving logistics sector, the Chinese-built Ethiopia-Djibouti railway stands as a beacon of transformation. Described by senior Ethiopian officials as a "crucial artery," this railway line is redefining how the nation handles its import-export trade. On a typical morning in Addis Ababa, one can witness the hustle as a passenger train pulls into Furi-Lebu railway station on the city's outskirts, a sight captured on a serene September day by Michael Tewelde. Such images are becoming…

Lobito Regional Railway Initiative Receives Significant Support

A collaborative effort among various firms has welcomed the arrival of the initial set of 275 container wagons, designed to boost the transport capabilities of the Lobito Corridor project. This ambitious railway initiative stretches from Angola's Lobito port, reaching into the Democratic Republic of Congo and extending to Zambia. Unveiled in 2023 as part of the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, this corridor is backed by both the United States and the European Union. Once fully operational, it…

U.S. to Expand Lobito Corridor Railway Project into Tanzania

The U.S. government is gearing up to embark on a significant railway initiative that extends from Angola to the Indian Ocean, passing through Tanzania. This ambitious venture, known as the Lobito Corridor, aims to create vital connections among various African nations, facilitating access to global markets while “bolstering regional trade and stimulating economic advancement.” On her latest visit to the area, Helaina Matza, the U.S. acting Special Coordinator for Partnership on Global Infrastructure and Investment, focused…

at least sixty dead in a railway accident in

At least 60 people were killed in a train crash last Friday in Lubudi, a territory in Lualaba province. The Congolese Public Railways (SNCC) train ended its journey in a ravine between Kitenta and Buyofwe stations about ten kilometers from the center of Lubudi.…

the project to build a railway to Niger is controversial

It is a project that worries Benin and is unanimous in Nigeria. Last Wednesday, the Nigerian director announced that it had released pledges of $ 1.9 billion for the construction of a 250km railway line that will connect Nigeria to neighboring Niger. A project whose foundations were launched in 2015, but whose costs and real interest rates are discussed. The future railway line will connect the city of Kano in Nigeria with Maradi in southern Niger and pass through Jigawa, Katsina and Jibia. But the announcement of this…

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