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the South African Patrice Motsepe elected president of

Patrice Motsepe was elected by the Acclamation President of the African Football Confederation (CAF), on March 12 in Rabat, for the period 2021-2025. The first South African to hold this position succeeds billionaire Malagasy Ahmad, suspended for 2 years from all football-related activities. Patrice Motsepe became the 7th elected president of the African Football Confederation (CAF) on March 12, 2021. The billionaire is the first South African and first English speaker to occupy this prestigious position on the continent.…

former President Aziz threatened by

In Mauritania, the Nouakchott prosecutor on Thursday, March 11, requested indictment from former President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz for corruption. In addition to the former president, one of his sons-in-law, two former prime ministers and several former ministers and businessmen are concerned about this request from the prosecutor, who even demands placement under "extensive" judicial supervision,…

Somalia’s outgoing president receives credentials

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Wednesday received a new envoy from Britain amid speculation about his legitimacy after the end of his term on February 8, leading to the current political stalemate. The resignation of Farmajo's mandate has given rise to concern about the country's future, and the broadcast that presented her credentials on Wednesday may be subject to questioning as Farmajo does not have legitimacy in accordance with the constitution. "It is unfortunate that the new…

The President of Jubaland meets with the US Ambassador to

Jubaland president meets with US ambassador to Mogadishu MOGADISHU, Somalia - Firebrand Jubaland's President Ahmed Madobe held a closed door meeting on Wednesday with US Ambassador Donald Yamamoto in the Halane connection in Mogadishu on Thursday. "We discussed the political dead end and found a way to address some of the challenges facing the electoral process," Madobe said after…

the opposition wants to know where the president is

Where is the Tanzanian President Located? John Magufuli has not been seen in public since February 26. Nearly two weeks of absence that started a wave of rumors, especially as the Kenyan press talks about the hospitalization of an African head of state in Nairobi because of Covid-19. Tanzanian power is not expressed, but the opposition is asking the authorities for explanations.…

Northeastern State’s president suspends Bososa’s mayor days later

Northeastern State's president suspends Bososa's mayor days after al-Shabaab's prison raid BOSSASO, Northeastern State - Northeastern State President Said Abdullahi Deni has sent Bosaso Mayor Abdisalan Bashir home over what the State House describes as "economically inappropriate" in the latest measure seen as a strategy to improve revenue collection in the coastal city of the state.…

Central African Republic holds president,

The Central African Republic held presidential and legislative elections on Sunday for fear of violence after a campaign period marked by fighting between rebels and government forces. The votes came out in large numbers in the capital, while in other parts of the country fewer people went to the polls due to fear of violence or boycotts from the rebel coalition. Some polling stations remained open late to allow more voters to vote. Despite the opposition's calls to delay the vote amid uncertainty,…

President confirms presidential election despite economic tensions

Congolese President Denis Sassou delivered his traditional message on the nation's state on Wednesday, December 23, ahead of Parliament's congressional meeting. He described a difficult economic situation, but which does not prevent the organization of the next presidential election by March 21 in accordance with the constitutional deadlines.…

Pierre Buyoya, a former president with an ambivalent legacy

The former president of Burundi, evacuated from Mali, died of Covid-19 in Paris on December 17. Respected for knowing how to leave power, he leaves a political legacy that is criticized for ambiguity. Pierre Buyoya did not speak lightly, but as a statesman, weighed his words and spoke them with a serious and deep eye. It was…

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