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Africa is broadening its social safety net

The Covid-19 pandemic and its economic consequences risk driving 40 million Africans into extreme poverty, according to the World Bank. From the beginning of the pandemic, governments implemented social protection measures under the leadership of the IMF and the World Bank. It was almost a global reflex. When the Covid-19…

a new food aid center looted in Abuja

After peaceful protests against police and violence that degenerated into riots and vandalism last week after a bloody breakdown, we are now witnessing numerous looting of food aid reserves, principally intended for families of vulnerable people affected by the coronavirus crisis. never distributed by the authorities. as…

G20 extends moratorium on debt of poor countries by six months

The finance ministers of the G20 countries have decided to extend the moratorium on debt service in the poorest countries by six months (until June), which has already given 46 countries out of 73 the right to suspend a global repayment amount estimated at five billion dollars. The moratorium was expected, although the IMF and the World Bank, as well as a number of NGOs fighting poverty, this gesture is still insufficient given the needs of poor countries. An extension of the moratorium was expected. But many were hoping…

40 million more poor in Africa, according to the World Bank

Weighted by the economic downturn from the Covid-19 pandemic, growth in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to fall to -3.3% by 2020, dragging the region into its first economic recession in 25 years, according to the latest regional economic analysis ”, Produced by the World Bank. The pandemic also risks pushing 40 million Africans into extreme poverty and erasing at least five years of progress in the fight against poverty. It is a relaxing figure: 40 million Africans are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, about three…

Guinea: an assist program for the poorest

Because the October 18 presidential election approaches, the Nationwide Financial and Social Inclusion Company (ANIES) has simply launched its money switch program. 150,000 households recognized as "extremely poor" obtain the equal of $ 25 every month to cowl day by day bills. .

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