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after the pollution of rivers in the south, the parliament

This week, the Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for the environment and sustainable development must explain himself to the National Assembly. Ève Bazaïba must not only present the current knowledge about the origin and extent of the pollution, but also the measures that the government is implementing and planning. as…

The textile industry pollutes rivers in East Africa

African rivers are polluted by the development of the textile industry on the continent. It is NGO Water Witness who sounded the alarm in a report published on August 17 and which is based on case studies in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Lesotho. Wastewater emissions are the most important source of pollution in the…

Fresh air tower to help Delhi breathe, but experts

A new attempt to purify New Delhi's notoriously polluted air will see 40 giant fans push filtered air into the heart of the Indian capital's exclusive shopping district. But the "smog tower" of 1.7 million euros is not without skeptics, who say it will not help a city known for having the most polluted air in the world. .

Life in Senegal’s chemically polluted Petit Mbao

Petit Mbao was known for having one of the most beautiful white sand beaches in Senegal. Since the 1960s, industrial plants have moved in, including Senegal's largest chemical plant. Many people in Petit Mbao have for years complained about the smell of the plant and the chemical in the air that burns their eyes and affects breathing. Children, livestock and fishermen have been known to…

DRC: air pollution in Somika district of Lubumbashi

In Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hundreds of residents of the attached municipality on the outskirts of the city condemn the mining activities of the mining company Katanga Somika. In 2005, the same company had already been accused by several NGOs of contaminating the water table in Kimilolo, where a station from the drinking water distribution company is installed.…

in Madagascar, recurrence of air pollution however low mortality

Because the virus appeared within the nation in March final 12 months, the variety of deaths because of the pandemic appears restricted, regardless of the robust unfold of it all through the territory. A scientific research performed by the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar with the Ministry of Well being reveals that 40% of the inhabitants has been contaminated with the virus.…

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