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WFP plane carrying food lands in Tigray from Addis Ababa

Ethiopia- Addis Ababa- The World Food Program sent a humanitarian plane to war-torn Tigray, with the aim of helping thousands of people struggling with anger and femininity. The plane was the second to be shipped from Bole International Airport to Addis Ababa and hours later landed at Tigray's Alula Aba Nega International Airport in Mekelle today. Perhaps this puts an end to concerns about Ethiopia's commitment to allow aid teams to cross Tigray without restrictions. A few weeks ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed…

Kenyan airplane crashes in El-Wak, Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A Kenyan plane crashed into a closed Burohache airstrip in El-Wak, Somalia, authorities said, minutes before its scheduled landing at Mandera airport in northeast Kenya, where he makes regular trips. Officials said plane number 5Y-GRS DAC Aviation International De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100 took off from Wilson Airport in Nairobi and had 45 passengers on board. The Burohache military airstrip where it landed was closed for renovation. The 45 passengers on the plane were safely evacuated by the…

Boeing provides $ 500 million to Ethiopia aircraft crash victims for the primary time

Boeing awards $ 500 million to Ethiopia plane crash victims in first settlement NAIROBI, Kenya - Boeing has disbursed $ 500 million for the families of the victims of the plane crash in Ethiopia that took place in 2019 as well as for those who perished in 2018 in Indonesia, as part of the agreement reached in the case against the company. According to Ribbeck Law Chartered, who represents more…

TPLF fighters shoot down Ethiopian military plane suspected of carrying

NAIROBI, Kenya - The Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray fighters otherwise known as the Tigray Defense Forces shot down an Ethiopian military plane on Wednesday, a senior official confirmed, which could spark further tensions in Ethiopia's troubled Tigray region. Over the past eight months, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces with Eritrean assistance, troops conducted operations in the Tigray region in pursuit of TPLF fighters. The conflict was sparked by the TPLF's decision to attack the Northern Command.…

controversy after the purchase of a new plane

The purchase of a new Airbus "A320 Neo", which will be delivered on July 16, does not go unnoticed. The opposition and civil society demand accountability, the government is trying to explain. as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac"It was time to replace the presidency's A319," according to the minister's spokesman for the…

the military chief dies in a aircraft crash

Nigerian military chief Ibrahim Attahiru, 54, died on Friday in an air pressure crash close to Kaduna airport within the northwest of the nation. as reported from Lagos, Liza FabbianThe Nigerian military chief misplaced his life throughout an official go to to Kaduna State in northwestern Nigeria.Movies from the drama present a…

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