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How Refugees in Kenya Are Smuggled to Libya: Main Paths and Hidden Journeys

document.getElementById('article').innerHTML = marked(` # A Refugee Camp: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words In a world filled with unsolicited adventures, the tranquil-looking refugee camps in Dadaab, Garissa County, are an ironic launching pad for a perilous journey charted by an audacious human trafficking cartel. These cartels now cast their deceptive nets wider, beckoning unsuspecting Kenyans into their tangled web, dangling dreams of a better life that seldom materialize. As it turns out, these traffickers…

The American Autobiography of Alain Mabanckou – Writing Paths

Author of a corpus of thirty books in which fiction co-exists with poetry and essays, the Congolese Alain Mabanckou is also a professor of literature in California. In the fall, the author publishes "Rumors of America," a collection of essays, halfway between sociological reflections and journalistic chronicles that tell American life and its turbulences. “I came to literature from excessive loneliness and lived in Africa as the only child who carried amazement in his dreams. And then there was this kind of fear of…

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