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Somali General Asserts Confidence in Overcoming ISIS

For nearly a month now, the semi-autonomous region of Northeastern State in Somalia has become a theater of military operations as security forces advance against Islamic State militants entrenched in its rugged mountains. It’s a tense standoff, a test of endurance and strategy. What makes these events profoundly compelling? It could be the frenetic chess game unfolding between the regional forces and a disciplined insurgent group. The crescendo of this operation seemed to reach new heights late last week. The regional…

Overcoming Language Obstacles: Fargo’s New Americans Offered Voting Assistance in Somali and Arabic

FARGO — First-time voters need to catch on to the basics, but picking up scoops on candidates seems daunting when English ain't your native lingo. It's like deciphering a secret code buried in the news or on the web. Tackling these language barriers, the League of Women Voters in Red River Valley joined forces with local champs, rolling out digital voting tools in English, Somali, and Arabic. These resources center on North Dakota's House and Senate hopefuls. "Folks will be stunned by our community's linguistic diversity,"…

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