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Ethiopia Laughs Off Somalia’s Outrage Over North Western of SomaliaPact, Calling It ‘Ridiculous’

FILE - Nebiyu Tedla, Ethiopia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the African Union, speaks at a press conference in Addis Ababa. Another day in Mogadishu (AX) – Ethiopia's diplomat, Nebiyu Tedla, had a few choice words for recent statements made by Somalia's Foreign Minister, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi. Tedla called Fiqi's warning about Somalia potentially aligning with Ethiopian opposition factions, including the TPLF, downright "ridiculous." This friction emerged after Ethiopia cozied up to Somaliland, an autonomous region…

in Togo, the outrage of journalists after

Togolese press executives are outraged that several Togolese journalists are targeting espionage using Pegasus software. More than 300 Togolese numbers appear in the list of potential targets for Israeli spy program, Pegasus, according tosurvey conducted by Amnesty International and several media outletsfrom the Forbidden…

after feelings, questions and outrage

That is the feeling in Niger after the fire in the school in the Dutch district of Niamey on 13 April. A school and a kindergarten in the middle of a shopping field where many heavy trucks circulate. After the funeral of the 20 children who were killed in the accident, it is time for anger and questions. Parents and teachers' organizations want light to be shed on the causes of the fire.…

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