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Advancing the Organization of the Honey Industry in Cameroon

Cameroon's Revamped Honey Industry Buzzing with Potential Cameroon's Revamped Honey Industry Buzzing with Potential The heart of Cameroon is witnessing a remarkable transformation in its honey sector, particularly in the Adamaoua region. Nestled in Ngaoundal, a state-of-the-art bee products processing facility now stands, ready to uplift the quality and profitability of honey-based products. From Beka Gotto, on-the-ground narratives bring to life the fervor of the local beekeepers' festival, orchestrated in…

Ennahda Secretary-General Detained ‘Illegally,’ Claims Tunisian Organization

Ennahda Secretary-General Arrested Without Legal Warrant, Claims Tunisian Organization In what critics are calling a blatant disregard for due process, a Tunisian organization alleges that the Secretary-General of Ennahda was detained without any judicial mandate. Of chief concern is what they claim to be the absence of any legal warrant authorizing the arrest. The arrest was reportedly carried out in a manner described by some observers as heavy-handed. According to the group, this incident underscores a troubling pattern…

towards a new organization of the defense and security forces

Burkinabe's defense and security forces are reorganizing to better deal with attacks by armed groups. A new national security strategy will soon be implemented, according to Brigadier General Aimé Barthelemy Simporé, Minister of Defense. as reported from Ouagadougou,Yaya BoudaniReorganization of ground forces, territorial…

agreement on the election organization

On Thursday, Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and the leaders of the five semi-autonomous regions signed an agreement to hold "free and fair" elections. They were to be held between December 2020 and February 2021, but the differences between the various parties delayed them and threw Somalia into a political crisis. as…

the investigation of a non – governmental group highlights commerce in

For 3 months, on the worldwide airport in Douala, the financial capital of Cameroon, groups on the Information Cameroon web site, edited by the NGO Adisi Cameroon, infiltrated networks of traffickers of those pretend PCR checks required for worldwide journey. They had been in a position to present that follow is present and that this site visitors is current in all phases of the method: from sampling on…

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