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Nigeria: the results of 60 years of independence

On October 1, 1960, Nigeria, a former British colony, became the largest independent state on the African continent. What political, economic, social and cultural results can we draw from these sixty years of independence? With our guests:- Remi Sonaiya, author, former professor of French language and applied linguistics,…

justice rejects the election of Noma Oumarou at the head of Mature Fa Lumana

The legal battle over the leadership of the main opposition party, Mature FaLumana, continues in Niger. The Niamey tribunal de grande instance issued an order on Tuesday ordering Noma Oumarou to stop behaving as party chairman. The decision taken by the Niamey tribunal de grande instance orders "the cessation of the blatantly illegal suffering created by Noma Oumarou, who continues to behave as president of the Mature FaLumana Party". The judges also order Noma Oumarou to stop "using party attributes". The party of the…

the project to build a railway to Niger is controversial

It is a project that worries Benin and is unanimous in Nigeria. Last Wednesday, the Nigerian director announced that it had released pledges of $ 1.9 billion for the construction of a 250km railway line that will connect Nigeria to neighboring Niger. A project whose foundations were launched in 2015, but whose costs and real interest rates are discussed. The future railway line will connect the city of Kano in Nigeria with Maradi in southern Niger and pass through Jigawa, Katsina and Jibia. But the announcement of this…

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