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many national hostages held in the Sahel along with Westerners

The release of the French hostage, Sophie Pétronin, put the spotlight on Westerners still being held in the Sahel. But next to them, there are also an unknown number of Malian and Sahelin hostages. Hostage participation of premises that are much less mentioned. This week, twenty people were kidnapped in the municipality of Farabougou, in the middle of the country. Nine of them were still selected this Sunday. These hostages, targeting anonymous Malians, are less talked about than Westerners or leading personalities such…

The Ceni report on the election was not examined by the National Assembly

The National Assembly as the budgetary authority must thoroughly examine this report submitted by Ceni. Secondly, in its mission of higher control, the Board of Auditors must also carry out investigative missions on the accounting treatment of Ceni, because if you look at all the figures that Ceni presents in this report, there are many discrepancies. You have deviations of 3 million, 30 million, 50 million and there is also the issue of public contracts.…

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