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the toughening of measures against Covid-19

Kenya, on this first day of Ramadan, is also hit by a third wave of Covid-19, more virulent than the previous ones, forcing the government to step up action. The curfew was introduced from 8 pm to 4 pm, as well as the closure of worship and the ban on gatherings for the next two months. as reported from Nairobi, Charlotte…

Ceni announces measures to address the issue

To vote in Sunday's presidential election, Chadians registered to vote must present their ballot papers. Problem: some will not have it for the vote because they could not pick it up at the distribution offices. Impossible to know the exact number of voters without cards. Ceni has made new arrangements, she said in a press release released on April 9, two days before the vote. Provisions that are…

reinforcement of measures in opposition to the epidemic in

One week after a first presidential speech broadcast on national television due to the second wave of Covid-19 hitting the island, Republican President Andry Rajoelinas spoke a second time last night to announce that the measures were intensified. If storage is not on the agenda, a health condition has been declared for two weeks.…

in Madagascar, tightening of measures

Faced with the easing of the population in terms of barrier movements and the resurgence of the epidemic throughout the territory, especially in the center and north of the country, the National Gendarmerie has just announced the resumption of old regulations decided by the Ministries of Interior and health. It is clear, social distance, sanctions for not wearing a mask and above all the obligation to bury the dead from Covid or suspected of having died by Covid at their place of death. A hard blow to the Malagasy people,…

artists’ dissatisfaction with the new antiquated measures

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, among the measures taken by the head of state to counter the spread of the virus, cultural activities are suspended for the time being. They were resumed only two months ago, after the state of emergency expired in August last year. Artists and cultural operators are therefore angry and condemn "double standards".…

measures against Covid-19 that are difficult to implement in transport

Fearing a new wave of contamination with the new coronavirus, the Senegalese authorities have decided to strengthen controls for wearing masks in public and private places, shops and transport. An instruction from the Minister of the Interior to all regional governors and to the security forces, which has not yet been applied in public transport.…

finally, non-restrictive measures against coronavirus

Finally, we are aware of the measures taken by the authorities to combat the spread of Covid-19. After the speech was announced and then interrupted at the last minute by President Bah N'Daw, Monday night, a senior National Defense Council finally met on Tuesday afternoon at Koulouba Palace. In the end, it's a bit like the mountain that feeds a mouse.…

Anti-Covid-19 measures at West African airports: a regrettable cacophony

While ECOWAS is in a delicate position in the current political crises in the region, especially in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire, where elections are being held under pressure today, you have chosen to emphasize the lack of regional coordination of health measures. at airports, a coordination that could have made life easier for travelers in West Africa since the reopening of air borders.…

places of worship reopened with light anti-Covid-19 measures

In Gabon, mosques will open their doors for the first time in seven months on October 30. as reported from Libreville, Yves-Laurent GomaIn March, the Gabonese government closed churches and mosques to slow the spread of Covid-19. On October 16, following strong pressure from the Catholic Church and the resurrection churches,…

clarification of measures against Covid-19

Gabon has eased its curfew against Covid-19, and the authorities have also allowed, under several conditions, the reopening of places of worship. as reported from Libreville, Gabonese are happy about the easing of the curfew, which now begins at. 22 instead of kl. In addition, the government has announced the reopening of churches and mosques, a reopening with many conditions: only one day of worship per. Week a negative Covid test is required to attend a worship service, and offerings and communion are prohibited.…

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