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Fifteen jihadists sentenced to loss of life in Mali

The chief of a jihadist group and fourteen different fighters stood trial on Friday, November 13, for operations carried out within the southern a part of the nation on the border with Ivorian and Burkinabè. Souleymane Keita, arrested in 2016, and two different defendants current on the listening to have been sentenced to loss of life, whereas the opposite twelve, absent on the listening to, have been…

Mali suffers however defeats Namibia

Confronted with a nasty Namibian group, Mali fought to win the three factors on the third day of qualifying 2021. A penalty from El-Bilal Touré gave the victory to the Eagles (1-0). Till the top and this Namibian shot licking the small web from the Malian goalkeeper, the Eagles may have suffered to retain their small benefit.…

The solution comes loose in Farabougou

In Mali, the Niono Forum on Reconciliation between different communities ended this weekend after three days of work. Four ministers had come from Bamako to this center in the center of the country to put an end to the violence that has plagued the sites in the area for several weeks. The case of the village of Farabougou, surrounded for over a month by jihadist fighters against a backdrop of conflict…

Niono’s forum ends with a hint of optimism

In Mali, the Niono Forum ended this weekend after three days of discussion between authorities, notables and representatives of society and religious. This meeting began on November 5 in the presence of four ministers to try to find a solution to the murderous conflict between communities opposing the Fulani community against the traditional dozo hunters in this circle of the Ségou region.…

start of work in Niono for reconciliation between communities

In Mali, the Malian army again provides several tons of food aid to the village of Farabougou in the Ségou region. With logistical support from the UN mission in the country, food and medicine were delivered on Thursday, other deliveries are scheduled for Friday to support the inhabitants of this village in the center of the country, surrounded by more than a month of jihadist fighters amid conflicts…

Niono’s community reconciliation forum has started

In Mali, a forum for reconciliation between communities opened on Thursday 5 November in Niono. Four ministers had traveled to this city in the Ségou region, in the center of the country. And hundreds of people were invited to participate in the discussions with the aim of easing tensions between the various communities in the circle and especially the traditional dozo hunters on the one hand and the…

The Auditor General determines Malian embassies and mining companies

The Auditor General presented his annual report to the Transitional Authorities at the end of last week. This report, which reviews public spending, has since been published. In 2019, Rigsrevisionen carried out 31 verifications concerning expenses, which were carried out between 2015 and the first quarter of 2018. Purpose: to track everything that looks like a lack of transparency or even direct fraud.…

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