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EIGS leaders captured in northern Mali

In Mali on Tuesday (June 15), Nigerian and French soldiers, who led a joint reconnaissance operation, fought against jihadists from the Islamic State group in the Greater Sahara (EIGS). A Nigerian soldier was killed, another wounded and two French soldiers from the Barkhane force were also injured in this operation, according to…

one Nigerian soldier killed and two French wounded

A Nigerian soldier was killed on Tuesday (June 15) during fighting in the "three borders" area of ​​Mali. Three other soldiers were injured: another Nigerian soldier and two French soldiers from the Barkhane force. This collision occurred on Tuesday, June 15, in the In Araban sector of Mali, southwest of Ménaka, in Liptako, a…

With the disappearance of Tata Bambo Kouyaté, Mali

Singer Fatoumata Kouyaté, known as Tata Bambo Kouyaté, died on Monday 14 June at the age of 71. She was her nickname "Bambo" due to her most famous song, composed in the 1960s, when she was barely a teenager. Fatoumata Kouyaté was only 12 years old, in 1962, when she composed "Bambo". A marked title, in which she condemns…

UNTM sets ultimatum for new Premier

In Mali, the new prime minister for the transition, Choguel Maïga, met with UN unions on Tuesday. The first central union in the country has had a series of complaints for several months. The case of the compressed workers from the former state-owned enterprises, the harmonization of the index networks for the salaries of civil…

In the spotlight: a government a bit too khaki in Mali

The Bamako press is quite critical of the formation of the new government led by Prime Minister Choguel Maïga."Choguel government does not calm down", thus the title of the Maliweb information site. Already "with its 28 members, the (new) government breaks the transitional charter, which maximizes the number of members of the government team by a maximum of 25." Then Maliweb continues, "this government law reflects the coup…

The Minusma soldiers seize the withdrawal

In Mali, the mandate of the UN mission must be renewed at the end of the month, no change is expected in the form of this peacekeeping operation, but the announcement of the end of the French operation Barkhane is in everyone's minds. Minusma did not respond to the announcement of the end of Barkhane, officially the mission still shows "assess the possible consequences" of this withdrawal. But outside…

What role for women in Boko groups

Until then, there was little information about the role of women in armed groups Boko Haram and Katiba Macina, but a recent study by the Institute of Studies and Security (ISS) looked at the subject. They collected many testimonies from men and women who were or had been associated with the armed groups Boko Haram in Niger and Katiba Macina in Mali.…

the head of world basketball accused of closing

Hamane Niang, president of the International Basketball Federation (Fiba), withdrew after the publication of a New York Times investigation and accused him of ignoring sexual abuse in Malian basketball in the 2000s, in particular. Accusations that this former Minister of Sports in Mali denies. Hamane Niang, president of the…

the new government meets in connection with

The government appointed on June 11 met on Sunday for the first time around Prime Minister Choguel Maiga. During this meeting, the Prime Minister revealed the priorities for the government's measures. In the Prime Minister's meeting room, the mood is tough for this first government council for the new government group. Around the table, members of the M5-RFP coalition, the military, some politicians and more technocratic profiles. "I congratulate you on your election during this most critical period in our contemporary…

more than two actors in the assassination of G. Dupont

Paris on Friday confirmed the death on June 5 of Baye ag Bakabo, the alleged leader of the command that had kidnapped our colleagues from RFI, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, on November 2, 2013 in Kidal, northern Mali. With his death, only one member of the command remains alive and one of the alleged co-organizers of the kidnapping.…

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