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Libya’s arms embargo mission prolonged to 2023:

The European Union will extend its military mission in the Mediterranean for two years and police the UN arms embargo on conflict-torn Libya, senior EU officials said on Wednesday. The unit's member states will "adopt a decision next week to extend its mandate by another two years until the end of March 2023", said a senior EU official. The decision to extend the mandate comes when UN experts warned that the embargo imposed on Libya in 2011 was "completely ineffective" as it was clearly violated by…

Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed visits Libya,

Tunisian President Kaïs Saied arrived in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Wednesday, March 17, to welcome the emergence of the new Libyan national unity government and revive the important exchanges for the two countries. This after ten years of civil war in Libya. The Tunisian president wants to be quick: he is making his first…

Libya funding of the brand new authorities

Libya funding of the brand new authorities.Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah and his government for national unity, which are to steer the transition until the elections scheduled for December 24, were sworn in on Monday, March 15. Abdel Hamid Dbeibah was appointed on charges of corruption more than a month ago, on February 5, as part of a UN-sponsored political process to lift Libya out of a decade of chaos and violence. Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah, his 32 ministers and his two deputy prime ministers have…

Libya’s Army Fee meets to focus on mine

Libya's Joint Military Commission 5 + 5 held a meeting in the coastal city of Sirte on Monday to discuss ongoing efforts to clear mines and remnants of war from the coastal road connecting the city to Misrata. "The meeting will discuss progress in removing mines along the coastal road," Mohamed Turjuman, director of the Libyan Demining Center, told Anadolu Agency (AA). "The Commission will submit technical reports on cleared areas for mines to UNSMIL representatives and international observers," he…

The Libyan authorities is holding the primary assembly that the world welcomes

The Libyan interim government held its first cabinet meeting on Sunday after receiving a vote of confidence last week, and the international community continues to welcome the latest developments in the war-torn country. Led by caretaker Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, the cabinet discussed the work plan as well as the plan that ministers will commit to establishing coordination with state institutions. Consisting of 26 ministers, the government is expected to take its oath on Monday. When the…

the profile of Abdel’s transitional government

Members' oaths will be taken on Monday, March 15, in Benghazi, and the transfer of power will take place during the week. Libyans hope that this new government with national unity will turn the page to the black decade and change the catastrophic economic and economic security situation. To do this, the Libyan Prime Minister insisted that this mission government, which is to apply the UN roadmap, be…

Parliament puts its trust in the government

In Libya, after two days of intense debate, the elected parliament approved the transitional government led by 61-year-old businessman Abdel Hamid Dbeibah. The vote took place on Wednesday 10 March in Sirte. He was hailed as "historic" for a cabinet born of a UN-sponsored process that will help bring the country out of chaos by leading it to elections at the end of the year. Abdel Hamid Dbeibah and…

The UN sends missions to Libya to monitor ceasefire

The advance team for a UN observer mission has arrived in Libya, which after a decade of conflict and chaos plans to hold elections in December, informed sources said on Wednesday. The group of about ten UN employees flew into the capital Tripoli on Tuesday to monitor a ceasefire between the country's two rival armed factions. The unarmed observer team also has the task of verifying the departure of thousands of mercenaries and foreign fighters who have been deployed in the oil-rich North African…

Libya maintains “outstanding ties” with Turkey,

Libya's new caretaker government will pay special attention to bilateral relations with Turkey during the new term, the country's caretaker prime minister said in a statement on Thursday. "Our ties with Turkey will be different. It is our economic partner and we support this partnership," Abdul Hamid Dbeibah told a news conference in the capital Tripoli. He also emphasized Libya's commitment to the maritime agreement between Turkey and Libya in November 2019. Dbeibah previously said that Libya would…

Migrants compete to avoid Libyan coastguard to reach

The storm in February is unforgivable and violently shakes humanitarian rescue ships as they try to revive a faulty engine and rescue African migrants drifting in the Mediterranean after fleeing Libya on unsafe boats. Not only must the brave 70 km / h winds and 4 meter (13 foot) waves, but also win the race against the Libyan Coast Guard, which has been trained and equipped by Europe to keep migrants away from its shores. In recent days, Libyans had already countered eight rescue attempts by the Open…

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