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Malta will resume embassy in Libya, restart flights

Malta will resume its embassy in Libya and restart flights to the North African country, said Malta's Prime Minister Robert Abela on Monday. Malta is the latest EU member to strengthen ties with Tripoli, as Libya seeks to end a decade of chaos following a 2011 NATO-backed uprising. "We will reopen our embassy and consulate in Libya in the next few days," Abela told a news conference in Tripoli, standing alongside Libyan caretaker Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah. "Flight links will also be…

what possibilities for Khalifa Haftar, the fellow

Marshal Khalifa Haftar, a strongman in eastern Libya, has been weakened since the summer of 2020 after failing to seize the capital Tripoli, trying to impose another on the Libyan political scene. After his appearance a few days ago, in military fatigue in the midst of his forces, it was in civilian clothes that he turned, on…

Folks in Libya’s Tarhuna are looking forward to justice

After terrorizing Libya's Tarhuna for several years during their rule over the city, the Kaniyat militia has still not been held accountable for its war crimes as authorities continue to locate mass graves. "They spared no child, no woman, no old man," said Mohamed Amer, mourning the murdered under the reign of terror by six brothers who ruled the Libyan city with bloodshed. "I am the father of the martyr Moaid, cold-blooded killed by the criminal gang Kaniyat," said Amer, a silver-haired father in his…

free up of prisoners, a primary step in the direction of

In Libya, the release, on Wednesday 31 March, was welcomed by more than a hundred prisoners held since the beginning of Marshal Khalifa Haftar's abortive offensive to take the capital in 2019, locally and by the UN. It was on the initiative of a local dialogue group that these prisoners of war were released on Wednesday, March 31. All dressed in white in traditional Libyan clothes. They were greeted by the "family" ululations. The ceremony, which took place in the town of Zawiya, 70 km from Tripoli, in western Libya, was…

Libyan officials release 120 detainees for Haftar

Forces in western Libya on Wednesday released more than 100 detainees who had been captured during fighting under Putin general Khalifa Haftar, in a conciliatory gesture following the latest agreements, officials said. The fighters were liberated in the coastal city of Zawiya during a televised ceremony attended by senior officials of the newly appointed transitional government. The men fought for the 107th Brigade under the leadership of Haftar. Mohammad Younes Menfi, head of the presidential…

The IOM condemns the go back of migrants to Libya and

According to figures from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), almost 1,100 migrants have been intercepted off the Libyan coast by the Coast Guard since Saturday 27 March. They are being sent back to internment camps in Tripoli where conditions are deplorable. Five people died during rescue operations on Tuesday and 77 were rescued, according to the IOM, which condemns the return of these migrants to a country in chaos. "This is a consequence of an irresponsible migration policy," tweeted Safa Msehli, an…

Aggressive teams in Libya’s parliament agree

A Libyan lawmaker revealed on Tuesday that an agreement has been reached to unite the two rival groups in the country's parliament following a meeting in the capital Tripoli. Fawzi al-Nuwairi, deputy speaker of the Tobruk-based parliament, told the Libyan television network Alahrar that "the presidency of the Libyan parliament met on Tuesday in Tripoli and agreed to unite the parliament." However, Al-Nuwairi did not provide further details about the agreement or who had attended the meeting. Libyan…

in spite of a joint government, Benghazi continues to be in

The arrival of the new unified commander has not yet changed the security situation in Libya. In both the East and the West, human rights abuses, abductions and arbitrary detentions continue. In recent times, the largest city in eastern Libya has been the scene of an unprecedented series of murders and kidnappings. The new CEO seems powerless in the face of the uncertainty that prevails throughout the country. Since March 18, when a dozen bodies full of bullets strewn across the streets of Benghazi, atrocities have…

France will reopen its embassy in Libya after seven years

France resumed its embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Monday after a seven-year closure. "The embassy reopened in Tripoli on March 29, 2021," said a tweet from the diplomatic mission. Last week, Mohammad Menfi, head of the Libyan Presidency, announced during a press conference during his visit to Paris that the French embassy in Tripoli would be resumed. In July 2014, amid unrest following the 2011 ouster of strongman Moammar Gadhafi, the embassy closed its doors in Tripoli, but continued its work from Paris.…

Libya’s NOC will get oil spills in Dahra underneath regulate

Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) said on Sunday that an oil spill north of the country had been brought under control. In a statement published on its Facebook page, NOC said that the leak occurred in one of the supply lines in the Dahra oil field. "Technical teams were able to complete the work and stop the leak," the statement said, while the cause of the leak was not disclosed. According to the oil group, the leak did not affect production operations. The Dahra oil field is one of the oldest oil fields…

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