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In Libreville, the Land Initiative “Un

Gabon Land Initiative Stirs Excitement Gabon Land Initiative Stirs Excitement The Committee for Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), a military-led council working alongside civilians in Gabon, has caused quite a buzz with their new land initiative. Dubbed "One Gabon, One Plot," this program aims to distribute land to the people. In just the last week, they rolled out an initial offering – 500 plots, each measuring 500 square meters. These plots are being sold for a price of 2.5 million…

Global Conference in Libreville Aims for Enhancement

Experts Tackle Boat Safety in Gabon Waters Since July 17, Libreville has been the meeting ground for specialists from West and Central Africa, discussing boat safety in Gabon's inland waters. This gathering brings together a plethora of brains buoyed by support from major maritime entities like the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (OMAOC), and the Federation of International Shipping Associations (FISM). The African Union and the African Development Bank are…

power outage in Libreville for five days

In Gabon, Libreville is facing a power outage. Originally, there is maintenance of a Port -Gentil - Libreville gas pipeline that supplies one of the most important power stations in Gabon's capital. The work will last for five days. The Gabonese energy and water company (SEEG) has launched emergency generators, but electricity production is still insufficient, hence a load unloading plan that irritates…

in Libreville, students’ odd job of funding

Several students in the country are deprived of their holiday. They have started small businesses to earn some money that allow them to support themselves from the beginning of the school year. as reported from Libreville, Yves-Laurent GomaSporty building, Jovani Junior Kouamba sells used clothes at the Nzeng Ayong market in…

Libreville Airport receives certification

In Gabon, Léon-Mba Worldwide Airport in Libreville will probably be the primary airport in Central Africa to be licensed by the Worldwide Civil Aviation Group. ICAO handed over this certification on Saturday, Might 8, after two years of labor and opinions of the standard and security of the airport platform's infrastructure. A ceremony was held on Saturday handy over the certificates.…

Gabon: Libreville wants to stop gas blowing

In Gabon, the government no longer wants the gas discovered in the oil fields to be burned. Libreville, which is facing a continuous decline in its oil production, also wants to increase the gas sector to make it a useful resource for the country's development and not a source of pollution as is the case today. From our…

the population of Bambouchine near Libreville

In Gabon, the inhabitants of Bambouchine, a forest area on the outskirts of Libreville, are angry. They demonstrated against the project to establish public dumping in their area. as reported from Libreville, Yves-Laurent GomaAs a man, these populations stood up to defend their environment. Some have lived in this forest area…

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