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Sierra Leone: cohabitation increases

According to a report by NGO Save The Children published earlier this month, the number of women settling with their partner without being married is increasing. In Sierra Leone, this cohabitation home has a name: "Tap To Me". However, this phenomenon clashes with certain sensitivities in the country. "My body, my decision, my…

Sierra Leone: on Kambui Hill, coffee

In this small West African country, a research group has found traces of a wild coffee that is believed to have disappeared since the early 1960s. in recent years through global warming. "We have been walking for two good hours now, on foot in the Kambui hills, and there we approach the garden to the wild stone shelf ...". Not…

Sierra Leone: 20 years after the Civil War

Sierra Leone is a country best known for the civil war that raged between 1991 and 2002 and the infamous "blood diamonds". But Sierra Leone is also a country with a very rich ecosystem and many assets that are still too little known. White sandy beaches, crystal clear water, tropical forests, the country has the most beautiful coasts in West Africa. But this paradise has been forgotten by tourists for…

Thirty years after the Civil Battle, Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is celebrating this Tuesday the 30th anniversary of the civil war that erupted on March 23, 1991. A painful date for this country that has seen 120,000 people disappear in a conflict triggered by the rebels from the RUF, the revolutionary UN front. Thirty years later, women, men and children, victims of clashes between armed factions and government forces, bear witness to this period and their shattered lives, hard to rebuild. In the village of Bomaru, east of the country, Vandy Gbosso Kallon, traditional…

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