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Laurent Gbagbo

These former African leaders who meet

Former Mauritanian President Mohmamed Ould Abdel Aziza was arrested on Tuesday and detained in Nouakchott. He was indicted on March 12 for corruption, embezzlement of public property and money laundering during his presidency between 2008 and 2019. He is not the only former African leader facing justice. Overview. What gives…

Laurent Gbagbo is applying for a divorce from Simone

Laurent Gbagbo is filing for divorce. According to a press release signed by one of his lawyers, the former Ivorian president arrested a judge in a marriage case on Monday, June 21, 2021. The consequence, according to him, "of the repeated refusal for several years by Dame Simone Ehivet to agree to a friendly separation". Laurent and Simone Gbagbo married in 1989. She co-founded the Front populaire…

In a press release, Laurent Gbagbo is worried about

Laurent Gbagbo gave his first official announcement since returning to Côte d'Ivoire last Thursday, 17 June. In a statement, the former president said "to worry about the violence being waged in the country", referring to the clashes the day of his arrival between his supporters who came to welcome him at the airport and the forces in order. Throughout the day, the supporters spread tear gas around…

Laurent Gbagbo appears in public for the fair at

He had given himself a few days of rest after his return with great fanfare to the Ivory Coast last Thursday. And it is Sunday, June 20, that Laurent Gbagbo has chosen for his first public appearance. The former president created a surprise by attending Sunday Mass at the Cathedral on the Plateau, Abidjan's business district. An excursion that aroused many emotions among the faithful present.…

incidents “symptomatic of a crisis of

What lessons can we learn from youth incidents among authorities and pro-Gbagbo activists? For Séverin Kouamé, professor and researcher at the University of Bouaké, the difficulty of organizing a return without skirmishes is a sign of a climate of persistent tensions between the two camps. According to him, it is necessary to solve the real causes of the crisis of confidence.…

The day after Laurent Gbagbo’s return to Côte

Laurent Gbagbo returned to Côte d'Ivoire on Thursday 17 June after a ten-year absence. A historic day, but also chaotic marked by clashes between young supporters and the police. And if the unrest lasted until late in the evening, the situation recovered on Friday. From our special correspondent in Abidjan,No more traces of…

story of a moment of reunion with his

RFI witnessed the reunion between Laurent Gbagbo and his supporters at a former campaign headquarters in Cocody-Attoban on Thursday, June 17. In front of a crowd that won over his cause, the former president was short in his speech, asking "to mourn" first his "dead" and to speak "later on politics". With our special…

the return of Gbagbo, “a new opportunity

Laurent Gbagbo's return to Côte d'Ivoire on Thursday, June 17, was negotiated step by step by the envoy of the former president and current head of state, Alassane Ouattara. Fahiraman Rodrigue Koné, a sociologist and researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), was in the special edition of RFI. He analyzes how these negotiations can enable a peaceful return for the whole country.…

to Gagnoa and mother, we are waiting for the return of “the

After months of negotiations and years of absence for his supporters, the former president of Abidjan is expected on Thursday afternoon. Even longer waiting for his support in Mama, the former president's native village, but also in Gagnoa, the large city to the west, his region of origin. With our special correspondent for…

Ivorians in Belgium are also celebrating their return

Laurent Gbagbo's departure to Abidjan will take place on Thursday 17 June. In Brussels, where the former Ivorian president had resided since his release from the ICC in February 2019, his supporters fought for his release and then for his return to the country. They have been waiting a long time for this moment. "The release…

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