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Soldiers attack judges in Kelo, in the south of the country

It is an announced program with startling actions against the Chadian judges, these are not random facts. It was well thought out, designed to strike at the existence of the judiciary in this country. We do not intend to let it go, we are determined to ensure that the judiciary is respected. We are holders of a power, they want us. The military they interfere in our attributions because they themselves believe they have weapons, but they have a certain number of powers, but the judges who are…

warning of judges to renew it

In Guinea, the renewal of the Supreme Judicial Council is contrary to the appointment of one of its members. The Magistrates' Association criticizes "sneaky negotiations" that govern the election of some of its members. These pressures come from the…

President Evariste Ndayishimiye assaults the judges in

Burundi President Evariste Ndayishimiye was met on Tuesday in Bujumbura by representatives of the judiciary. He took the chance to strongly condemn, in line with him, the "corruption" that plagues Burundian justice, which is "shameful" and which he accuses of being the premise of all illnesses within the nation. During his…

judges were now banned from holding positions

The Supreme Judicial Council banned judges on Wednesday, June 9, from holding political positions in the executive body. This council advocates the independence of the judiciary and its impartiality in the face of ongoing political quarrels. This resolution comes after the dismissal on Tuesday by the head of the national authority for the fight against corruption of the Prime Minister. On Tuesday, the…

the key witness tells about ICC judges

Since May 24, the International Criminal Court has heard a key witness in the trial of Patrice-Édouard Ngaïssona and Alfred Yekatom, accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in 2013 and 2014 in the Central African Republic. Joachim Kokaté spoke about the first steps in anti-balaka and revealed the content of the meetings organized in exile by the dismissed President François Bozizé.…

Darfur’s crime on the judges’ desk

On Monday, May 24, in The Hague, the confirmation of the allegations in the case of the ICC and Muhamad Abd Al Rahman, alias Ali Kushayb, a former leader of the Janjaweed militia, will open. Accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Darfur in 2003 and 2004. as reported from The Hague, Stephanie…

In the spotlight: the controversial swearing-in of the new constitutional judges

While we waited for President Tshisekedi to speak on Friday, the Kinshasa newspapers - almost all of them - mentioned in this week's deliveries the controversial sword of the new constitutional judges."They took the oath ... He took note". It's on the front page of the newspaper Le Soft International. Service "without certainly the war weakened and the front reassured, on the contrary", notes the colleague from Soft…

The FCC wants to boycott swords over judges of the Constitutional Court

The distance continues between, on the one hand, the Presidents of the two chambers of Parliament and, on the other hand, the President of the Republic around the entry of the judges recently appointed to the Constitutional Court. The FCC, the political family of former President Kabila, yet affiliated with President Tshisekedi's Cach, has decided to boycott the planned ceremony at the People's Palace.…

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