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Ivory Coast policy

Hamed Bakayoko’s death: “The man who could

Hospitalized since early March in Paris and immediately transferred to Germany six days later, Ivorian Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko succumbed to a dazzling cancer yesterday, Wednesday 10 March. What was the background of this politician who was often described as a unifier? Was he a potential successor to Alassane Ouattara as head of state Sylvain N'Guessan, director of the Abidjan Strategy Institute, answers François Hume-Ferkatadji's…

Assoa Adou (FPI): “We will go to the legislative election, in agreement with Laurent Gbagbo”

A dramatic turn in the Ivory Coast. For the first time since November 2010, in just ten years, the pro-Gbagbo FPI has agreed to take part in national elections, in this case the legislative elections, scheduled for the next three months. Why this face from Laurent Gbagbo's party? What is the consequence for Laurent Gbagbo himself, who is still living in exile? Assoa Adou, Secretary General of the Ivorian Popular Front - pro-Gbagbo trend,…

a first contact with all opposition forces

In Côte d'Ivoire, the political dialogue between the government and the opposition opened this Monday, December 21, in the morning. Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko received the various parties to calm the spirits following the controversial re-election of President Alassane Ouatarra on October 31, 2020. as reported from Abidjan,…

Kouadio Konan Bertin was appointed Minister of Reconciliation

Alassane Ouattara's opponent in the presidential election in October last year, KKB alias Kouadio Konan Bertin, was appointed reconciliation minister on Tuesday, December 15. A ministry whose creation had been announced the day before by Alassane Ouattara during his oath for a third term as president of Côte d'Ivoire. Announced by Alassane Ouattara during his tar edOn Monday, December 14, the Ministry of National Reconciliation will have seen the light of day the next day. And it was entrusted to KKB, Kouadio Konan…

President Ouattara is sworn in for a third term

The inauguration ceremony was held on Monday at the Presidential Palace in Abidjan. Alassane Ouattara swore in for a third term as head of state. as reported from Abidjan, Pierre PintoCeremony ended early in the afternoon. The guests then began to leave the Presidential Palace. Guests included a dozen heads of state from the…

the authorities will not move forward any date when Laurent Gbagbo returns

It's good for everyone, it's good for Ivorians, so we can move on to another phase of the process of living together as President Alassane Ouattara calls for. So we are really in logic. Your question about when Laurent Gbagbo will return, it depends on the legal proceedings against him. I remind you that it is still being appealed at ICC level. And in the case of Côte d'Ivoire, there is a legal process that is also being conducted at this level. So it really is in the hands of justice. It does…

Laurent Gbagbo restores his Ivorian passports

The former Ivorian head of state could soon return to Abidjan. After several months of waiting, Laurent Gbagbo recovered his two passports on Friday: a regular and a diplomatic one. Since his arrest in April 2011, Laurent Gbagbo no longer had a travel document.

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