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release of emergency aid to 28 countries, including 22 African

The IMF is still at the bedside of the poorest in this time of global crisis. The fund on Monday approved new emergency aid for 28 countries, 22 of which are in Africa. The money received will allow them to either alleviate their debt or help fund the fight against the effects of the pandemic, the IMF says. Last April, The IMF relieved the debt in 25 countries among the poorest by activating an emergency mechanism, the Trust Fund for Assistance and Response to Natural Disasters. A fast and efficient tool, a giant purse of…

UN agencies, including UNICEF, WHO are investigating allegations of sexual abuse by DR Congo workers

UNICEF on Wednesday became the third UN agency to launch an internal investigation into the sexual abuse of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and promised "serious consequences" for possible sins. The Children's Fund said in a statement that it was "shocked that people identifying themselves as UNICEF workers have allegedly abused vulnerable women in the Democratic Republic of Congo." It was not immediately clear how many UNICEF staff had been charged. "There will be serious consequences for any staff…

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