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European diplomats go to Libya to help unity

The foreign ministers of France, Germany and Italy were in Tripoli to meet their Libyan counterpart on Thursday in a demonstration in support of the war-torn country's newly formed unity government. The joint visit of French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Germany's Heiko Maas and Italy's Luigi Di Maio comes ten days after the formation of an interim government to lead Libya to the December elections. Oil-rich Libya sank into chaos after dictator Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in a 2011 NATO uprising,…

Libyans send letters opposing UNSMIL’s settlement plan to UN, EU, US officials

Libya rejects the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) process, which "enables criminals, illegal militias and corrupt officials to form a unity government for Libya," said Emadeddin Muntasser, head of the US-based Foundation for Democracy and Human Rights. Thursday. Muntasser told the Daily Sabah that a petition signed by more than 10,000 Libyans was sent to the UN, the European Union and US officials this week stating that “UNSMIL's decommissioning process does not serve the Libyans. It fails to…

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