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Glimmers of Hope – Week of

"Pritzker", a prestigious brand of recognition, which goes for the "Nobel" for architecture, has just been awarded to Burkinabè Diébédo Francis Kéré for 2022. His country grew out of it. Africa too.…

after the attack on Baroua, the hope of persevering against Boko

Although sixteen soldiers died in the attack on Baroua, near Nigeria, on the night of August 25, no civilians were injured or killed. Niger's defense forces therefore opposed Boko Haram's jihadists. According to the ministry, about 50 terrorists have been neutralized. Baroua was not by chance: this municipality is the first where the state organized the relocation of displaced persons as part of its…

The hope aroused by agropoles to fight

As in most African countries, and despite rapid urbanization, the agricultural sector is the main source of employment and income for the people of Senegal. But in rural areas, local shop stewards emphasize that income from agriculture does not eradicate poverty. Fadel Diop:in reality, the potential for family farms is not…

bad day for the Democratic Republic of Congo, hope

Congolese fighters were expected this Thursday, July 29, but David Tshama Mwenekabwe in boxing and Marie Branser in judo did not manage to win to continue their tournament. South African swimmers and hockey players lit up the dull day for African athletes. BOXINGA day without African boxing. After passing the preliminary round…

The Ivorians hope a lot from the meeting

Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara will meet his predecessor Laurent Gbagbo at the presidential palace on Tuesday, July 27. Since the former head of state returned last month after his acquittal at the ICC, the two men have just exchanged a few words over the phone. as reported from Abidjan, Sidy YansanePeace and…

From Congo to the Olympics, Dorian Keletela, a hope

Its presence in Tokyo is a miracle. Dorian Keletela, a young 22-year-old sprinter, will line up for the 100-meter event to defend the colors of the international refugee team. After fleeing Congo alone five years ago, a country with which he has completely forged ties, it is in Portugal that the athlete now dreams of a fate like Francis Obikwelu, his idol and his new coach.…

Merven Clair, bearer of hope for Mauritius

Of the eight Mauritian athletes who will compete in the Olympics in Tokyo, some have a chance to make a splash. To see in particular, boxer Merven Clair, 27, for his second Olympic participation and seventh in the world in his category, 65 kg. RFI met him during a training session at the National Boxing Center in Vacoas. From…

Somalia at 61: Struggles, Ache and Hope

Somalia at 61: Struggles, Pain and Hope MOGADISHU, Somalia - Exactly 61 years ago today, the Blue Flag was hoisted in several parts of Somalia, with citizens thronging the streets to celebrate independence after the Italians gave up and returned to Rome, but leaving behind them traces of colonialism. Already, messages of goodwill have started pouring in congratulating Somalis on their…

in Cotonou, residents hope for a vote “in

The Benin are called to the polls this Sunday, April 11, at the end of a campaign marked by deadly violence in the center and north of the country. The economic capital was saved by the deadly violence that punctured the end of the election campaign in central and northern Benin. From our special correspondent in Cotonou,The…

first goal for Ivorian hope Amad Diallo, 18

The shock from the knockout stages of the Europa League between Manchester United and AC Milan, on Thursday 11 March, ended in a draw (1-1), with the young Amad Diallo excelling. Barely into the game, the Ivorian striker scored a goal, his very first with MU. The start of a great story for the 18-year-old striker? Paul Pogba,…

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