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10 Sneaky Hormones Wreaking Havoc on Your Waistline

In today's fast-paced world, weight gain is a common concern influenced by many factors like what you eat, how you move, and even your genes and lifestyle. But here's a sneaky culprit you might not have thought about: hormone disruptors. These troublemakers, lurking in the environment and everyday routines, can mess with your hormones, potentially leading to weight gain and other health woes. In this article, we'll uncover 10 of these sneaky "disruptors," if you will, and share tips to help you…

Turkish drones wreak havoc in Somalia, claiming lives of 23 innocent civilians, including children, reports Amnesty International

The global watchdog urged Somalia and Turkey to investigate the incidents for possible "war crimes." Amnesty International accused the Somali government of killing over two dozen civilians using Turkish drones in attacks against Islamist insurgents, potentially constituting war crimes. The London-based organization reported the deaths of 23 civilians, including 14 children and five women, during drone strikes on March 18 in Lower Shabelle, southern Somalia, based on victim and witness accounts, satellite imagery, and medical…

the elephant Hamed escapes again and causes havoc

Hamed is the name of an elephant that has been talked about in Ivory Coast for five years. According to the authorities, he moves from village to village and destroys plantations, huts, motorcycles and cars. Although he moved to a private reserve, N'zi River Lodge Park, in September last year, the pachyderm continues to cause damage.…

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