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The Gabonese and Ali Bongo’s “almost” candidacy for

In Gabon, the announcement by President Ali Bongo on Saturday during the celebration of the 54th anniversary of his party did not make Gabon indifferent. Ali Bongo specifically said that in 2023 he will be there. One way to say he will be a candidate for the presidential election scheduled for 2023. How did the Gabonese welcome this announcement? as reported from Libreville,Yves-Laurent Goma Jonathan is a retired soldier. He says he is a supporter of Ali Bongo, but he is disappointed with the broken promises: “Ali…

Lee White, Gabonese Minister of Forestry

On 22 June 2021, Gabon became the first African country to be paid for by international funds to help it continue its efforts to protect the forests on its territory. The Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI), an organization launched in 2015 by the UN, awarded Gabon $ 17 million. "Today the economy" portrays Lee White. This 50-year-old, of British descent, has lived in Gabon for 32 years and has stopped taking his nationality. He has therefore been Gabon's Minister for Water and Forests, the Sea and the Environment…

Anger Gabonese churches demand reopening of places of worship

The coronavirus pandemic is in sharp decline. Almost all positive cases are cured. Last week, only 3 cases were admitted to the hospital. However, the country that has recorded a total of 54 deaths linked to Covid-19 has not delimited all sectors. This is the case with churches, bars and motels. This brings a sense of injustice to the operators in these sectors who are angry today. as reported from Libreville, After waiting more than 6 months, the Christian churches almost revolted against the state. On September 27,…

tensions surrounding the reopening of Gabonese churches, still closed

After endless negotiations on the conditions for reopening places of worship, the Federation of Charismatic, Pentecostal and Revival Church of Gabon decided on September 12 to reopen churches without permission this Sunday despite the Covid-19 epidemic. The government considers the process unacceptable and it acted on Sunday 27th Sunday. During a press conference on Saturday, September 26, Interior Minister Lambert Noël Matha threatened religious leaders who were tempted to defy the ban. "A group of religious leaders has…

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