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What Does the Future Hold for Water-Scarce South Africa?

South Africa is currently grappling with a profound water crisis, a situation deeply entrenched in failing infrastructure, sluggish governmental action, and a staggering lack of access to clean water for countless individuals. This predicament jeopardizes not only public health but also the socioeconomic fabric of the nation. Consider the eThekwini Municipality, where a staggering 54% of water revenue is lost due to leaks, theft, and unbilled usage. Without prompt repairs to these leaks, residents might face ongoing water…

Somalia at a Turning Point—A Country Balancing Its Future and International Conflicts

Somalia at a Crossroads: Choosing Its Own Path Amidst Global Power Plays EDITORIAL | As Somalia makes strides towards emerging from the dark days of state failure, we are reminded of an age-old wisdom—not to get entangled in alliances that could bind us to the ambitions of others. The Horn of Africa, with its deep historical roots and strategic value, has become a playing field for both regional and global powers each eager to further their interests through a complex dance of diplomacy. At the center of this storm is…

The Somali Region of Ethiopia Faces an Alarming Future as Climate Change Depletes Water Resources

(Mogadishu AX) — An escalating water crisis in Ethiopia's Somali Region now threatens over 350,000 people, according to a recent CGIAR report. Both refugee and local communities are battling crumbling water infrastructure, relentless climate change, and depleting resources. The urgency for immediate intervention is clearer than ever to safeguard livelihoods and lives. Originally built to serve about 100,000 individuals, local water systems are now overwhelmed, catering to more than triple that number. Refugee camps, set…

Woman confesses to offering a juror in the Feeding Our Future case a $120,000 cash bribe.

Woman Confesses to Paying $120,000 Bribe to Juror in Feeding Our Future Case Ladan, with tears welling in her eyes, affirmed, "Yes, I do," when Thompson repeatedly queried her understanding of the gravity of the situation. Thompson continued, persistently asking, "Given everything, do you still wish to proceed today?" "Absolutely," Ladan replied firmly. When questioned about her guilty plea, Ladan explained, “From the outset, I intended to own up to my actions.” Notably, she stood alone in the courtroom, devoid of familial…

The AU reaches an agreement with FGS on the future of the AMISON in Somalia

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Just over four months before theend of the mandate of the troops in the nation of Somalia, the African Union reached an agreement with the Federal Government of Somalia on the future of the armed forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia's Horn of Africa. A resolution adopted in June agreed that AMISOM troops would remain in Somalia until December 2021 and then leave for their respective countries, but Somalia opposed the measure due to the threat posedbyAl-Shabaab in the country. and FGS…

EDITORIAL: Turkey’s future policy in Somalia must focus on institution rebuilding

EDITORIAL One of the hottest stories in Somalia this week is the state of relations between Somalia and Turkey. Ankara has scored many points from politicians and government officials by helping to alleviate Somalia's day-to-day problems. From humanitarian aid to grants to security support, little has been found in Turkey in Somalia that did not go as planned. The story began in August 2011. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then Prime Minister of Turkey, arrived in Mogadishu as Somalia was battling one of the worst droughts in…

An AU report on the long run of AMISOM in Somalia

An AU report on the future of AMISOM in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - A report released by an independent team assessing the future of AMISOM in Somalia exposed some of the underlying factors, which could after all delay the long-awaited exit of the nation's team from the Horn of Africa, after a decade of peacekeeping. According to the report which was exclusively seen by Garowe Online, the…

Nigeria: the future of Kannywood partly via

In the 90's, a powerful film industry was born in Nigeria: it is Nollywood, a market that soon surpassed it in Hollywood in the United States. If this story is famous, however, many ignore that another film industry also developed at the same time in the northern part of the country. And more specifically in the large Muslim city of Kano.…

Concerns about the future of Burkina Faso’s forests

Every year, the country loses about 247,000 hectares of forest. A very worrying situation according to the Ministry of the Environment that requires a change in behavior. In connection with the international tree fair that is currently taking place in Ouagadougou, specialists explain to the population the various techniques for preserving nature.…

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