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one Nigerian soldier killed and two French wounded

A Nigerian soldier was killed on Tuesday (June 15) during fighting in the "three borders" area of ​​Mali. Three other soldiers were injured: another Nigerian soldier and two French soldiers from the Barkhane force. This collision occurred on Tuesday, June 15, in the In Araban sector of Mali, southwest of Ménaka, in Liptako, a…

a monumental whisper about C (K) ongo history

Since his participation in Documenta 14, Sammy Baloji has become an important figure in contemporary art. AuxBeaux-Arts de Paris, his exhibition, "K (C) in progress, fragments of intertwined dialogues", ping-pong between personal experiences and official archives often forgotten or hidden to tell us otherwise the relationship between K (C) Ongolese and Westerners . With this 42-year-old plastic artist, born in Lubumbashi, who now swings…

Africa in the spotlight at the biggest festival in

"We find the atmosphere at the festival again. We live again." Annecy is proudly portrayed as "the first major international cultural event to welcome the public" (without a health pass) in postpartum France. From 14 to 19 June, the world animated film capital will present more than 200 short and feature films on site, "an exceptional vintage" and "the best of African animation" in the form of a tribute. Interview with Mickaël Marin, Director of the Festival, Film Market and Cité de l'image en mouvement in Annecy (Citia).…

In Egypt, Bruno Le Maire offers almost 4

Bruno Le Maire was in Egypt on Sunday 13 June. The French economy minister signed a trade agreement on the Cairo metro and initiated new infrastructure and development projects. Benefits for Egypt, but also for France, the minister appreciated. as reported from Cairo, Edward DropsyBruno Le Maire came to Egypt for a budget of…

Antoine Anfré, new French ambassador to

This is a confirmation, another sign that relations between France and Rwanda are improving. While Paris no longer had an ambassador in Kigali, the Rwandan Council of Ministers validated the accreditation of the diplomat proposed by Paris: Antoine Anfré, a good connoisseur of the continent. A new representative of France in…

visiting Burkina Faso, Le Drian looks back on

The French Foreign Minister met with Burkinabe's Head of State Roch Marc Christian Kaboré on Friday, June 11 in Ouagadougou. After the attack on Solhan last week, the head of French diplomacy came to present France's condolences in the face of the tragedy experienced by the people of Solhan. He took the opportunity to give some explanations about France's new security policy in the Sahel.…

disappointment for relatives after Baye Ag

Minister of the Forces Florence Parly announced on Friday 11 June the death of the jihadist cadre Aqmi Baye Ag Bakabo, the head of the command who had kidnapped our colleagues Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon on 2 November 2013 in Kidal in northern Mali. But for those close to them, the death of the jihadist deprives them of many answers.…

Mali faces French military disengagement

There are no official comments yet in the Sahelian capitals affected by the decision to end Operation Barkhane. In Bamako, where the coup carried out by Colonel Assimi Goïta three weeks ago has seized France, the power junta did not always react. this Friday, June 11, but the country will have to face many challenges. as…

Command leader killed by French army

Paris has confirmed the death of Baye Ag Bakabo, the head of the command who kidnapped our colleagues Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon on November 2, 2013 in Kidal in northern Mali. The information had been circulating since Wednesday, June 9, but was then not official. Several members of Baye Ag Bakabo's family had announced his death on social media, but neither Barkhane nor Elysee, who was contacted at the time, had confirmed. According to our information, Baye Ag Bakabo was killed near the town of Aguelhok where…

France wants to change its framework and strategy

President Macron wants to "deeply transform" the French military presence in the Sahel. He explained this on Thursday during a press conference. Specifically, this means a reduction of French personnel in the region and the "end of Operation Barkhane as an external operation", in favor of an international alliance associating states in the region and Europeans. Explanations.…

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