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Somali Forces Eliminate Al-Shabaab Fighters

Somali Forces Triumph Over Al-Shabaab Militia MOGADISHU, Somalia - Three days of sustained military campaigns have seen the Somali National Army (SNA) gain significant ground against Al-Shabaab. These extremists aim to dethrone the delicate UN-supported federal government of Somalia. Military reports reveal that several key Al-Shabaab bases were targeted by army operations in Abagbeday, approximately 20 kilometers from Hudur town, Bokool region in Southwest state. Their fortresses crumbled under heavy fire. Insiders in…

Exposed: Abiy Ahmed’s plot to “eliminate” the Tigrayans

NAIROBI, Kenya - The conflict in the Tigray region may have been planned by the Addis Ababa authorities, a senior Finnish official said, long before the Ethiopian National Defense Forces even. were deployed to the area after the attack on the Northern Command. For nearly eight months, the ENDF reinforced by Eritrean troops have descended on the Tigray region, triggering a humanitarian crisis that has drawn international attention. Thousands of Tigrayans are believed to have been killed in what some call genocide. But…

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