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Mali: Efforts Toward the “Charter of Peace and Reconciliation”

Mali's Charter of Peace and Reconciliation: An Overview In Mali, the freshly minted commission tasked with drafting a "Charter of Peace and Reconciliation" kicked off its mission this week. This commission, formed last month, has already met with the nation's traditional and religious leaders on Monday, July 22. The subsequent day, political parties were brought in for consultations. However, all these efforts have been somewhat overshadowed. The political landscape remains marred by ongoing calls for the release of…

Chad: Southwestern Efforts Boost Tourism Industry

Reimagining Chad's Narrative Through Its Natural Splendor "Chad Volunteers Organization" aspires to revolutionize Chad's image by showcasing its untold natural beauty. This group's mission involves touring the nation to uncover and celebrate its most captivating locales. Chad Volunteers Organization aims to educate Chadians about these gems and, eventually, ignite a fledgling tourism industry that could turn Chad into a sought-after travel destination. However, the road to get there remains long and challenging.…

Sudan pledges to help peace efforts in Somalia

KHARTOUM - Sudan on Friday pledged to support efforts to bring peace and stability to Somalia with the cooperation of all Somali parties and regional and international partners. The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the Sudanese Foreign Ministry said. The Ministry highlighted the important role of AMISOM in advancing the peace efforts in Somalia since its deployment. implement the national security strategy, provide training and enhance Somalia's security capabilities to actively contribute to long-term security…

the violence continues despite efforts

The violence in South Africa has killed at least 72 people. The violence began on Friday in the KwaZulu-Natal region, the Jacob Zuma region, the day after the later prison. They also affected Johannesburg. "Law enforcement agencies are doubling their efforts to stop the violence and increase their deployment on the ground,"…

Somalia: Efforts high before Somaliland’s election results

Somalia: Efforts high before Somaliland's election results HARGEISA, Somalia - Somaliland's main political parties are eagerly awaiting the outcome of Monday's election, which was closely monitored by a host of stakeholders, including observers, mainly from Africa, with few or no government representatives around the world. North Western of SomaliaElection Commissioner Abdirashid Mohamud Ali…

Somalia’s AU mediation efforts flopped after the FGS boycott

Somalia's AU mediation efforts flopped after the FGS boycott MOGADISHU, Somalia - Former Ghanaian President John Mahama has formally retired as a particular envoy to Somalia's mediation workforce, a duty imposed on him by the African Union, which relied on his skills as a licensed mediator in political conflicts. Mahama, who's revered for handing over energy after dropping to the incumbent Nana…

Inner last-minute efforts to avoid wasting Somalia from plunging into civil conflict

MOGADISHU, Somalia - All stakeholders and stakeholders in Somalia are involved in last - minute efforts to save the country from jumping into an unprecedented political crisis following delayed elections, which are due to take place in December 2020. With the term of office of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo already expired and even the mandate of Parliament, efforts have been made to bring all parties together for the sake of stability and unity. Farmajo was due to leave office on February 8 this year. But even…

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