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more than two actors in the assassination of G. Dupont

Paris on Friday confirmed the death on June 5 of Baye ag Bakabo, the alleged leader of the command that had kidnapped our colleagues from RFI, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, on November 2, 2013 in Kidal, northern Mali. With his death, only one member of the command remains alive and one of the alleged co-organizers of the kidnapping.…

Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon scholarship winner in 2020

Seven years after the assassination of Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon in Kidal in northern Mali, RFI awarded the scholarship with their names to young Cameroonian journalist Charles Donatien Abossolo Oba and Burkinabe technician Romain Bouda. In an unusual health situation, an unprecedented price reduction. It was by…

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