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Benin-Niger Tensions: Nigerian Delegation Travels to Cotonou for Mediation

Nigerian Delegation Seeks to Mend Benin-Niger Tensions A Nigerian delegation journeyed to Cotonou on Wednesday, July 24, aiming to reduce friction and restore peaceful relations with Benin. This initiative, spearheaded by former Beninese leaders Nicéphore Soglo and Boni Yayi, marks a significant diplomatic effort. They had a critical meeting at the end of June with General Tiani in Niamey, seeking resolution. The relationship between Benin and Niger has been bleak since the ousting of President Mohamed Bazoum, who was…

Turkish Ministerial Delegation Makes Significant Visit to Niger

Niger and Turkey: Strengthening Ties Niger and Turkey: Strengthening Ties Niger and Turkey are looking to bolster their collaboration. A substantial Turkish delegation visited Niamey on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, marking a significant occasion. According to local media sources, discussions spanned an array of critical sectors like defense, oil, education, and health. "This is a pivotal moment as the CNSP continues realigning its alliances," one report noted, highlighting that nearly a…

A Libyan delegation in Chad to discuss

Libya's Vice President, Moussa Al-Koné Moussa, and the President of the Transitional Military Council, Mahamat Idriss Déby, met behind closed doors on Wednesday. Among the issues addressed: trade relaunch and economic programs between the two countries. But also, and perhaps above all, security issues. This is the first visit…

a Ugandan quarantine delegation in Japan

A first part of the Ugandan delegation, which arrived in Tokyo for the Olympics on June 19, 2021, was placed in quarantine after a positive fall of Covid-19, the Japanese authorities announced on June 22. This is the first positive case of a participant in the Olympics (July 23 - August 8) when the Australian softball team was the first foreign delegation to arrive in Japan on June 1.…

Assimi Goïta received a delegation from Azawad in

Colonel Assimi Goïta, interim chairman, continues his talks in Bamako following his coup last week, condemned by the AU and ECOWAS, which repealed Mali. On Wednesday, Colonel Assimi Goïta received a delegation from the ex-insurgency who asked for promises before following the transition. Choguel Maïga, tipped for prime minister, attended the meeting…

A delegation from AU, UN, ECCAS and the EU in

A joint visit by the AU, the UN, represented by the Deputy Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, ECCAS and the EU is currently under way. On Wednesday, representatives met with both the president of the National Assembly and religious leaders. At the heart of the discussions: the peace process, two years after the Khartoum Treaty and five months after the attack on the…

the Central African delegation in Ndjamena is expected

After the incident that took place on Sunday morning at the common border, the Chadians did not pick up speed and continued to accuse their neighbor of aggression, of war crimes, which the Central Africans deny. The Bangui authorities are trying to calm things down and have decided to favor the diplomatic channel to resolve this crisis with a delegation expected in Ndjamena.…

Somalia’s spy chief Fahad Yasin was amongst those that met with the Qatari delegation

Somalia's spy chief Fahad Yasin was amongst those that met with the Qatari delegation MOGADISHU, Somalia - Director of the Nationwide Intelligence Safety Company Fahad Yasin is amongst those that met the Qatari delegation, which has pitched a tent in Somalia because the nation strives to succeed in settlement on the stalemate earlier than the election, which has lasted for a couple…

consult with of an Egyptian delegation, a step in the direction of

This is a first since 2014: an Egyptian delegation was officially scheduled in Tripoli, Sunday, December 27, with the government of national unity in Fayez el-Sarraj. During the Battle of Tripoli, Egypt, along with Russia and the United Arab Emirates and a few Western countries, had supported its rival, the strong man from the eastern part of the country, Marshal Khalifa Haftar. But according to…

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