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Gaza Doctor Reports Unnecessary Patient Deaths in Khan Younis

Unexpected Tragedy Unfolds in Gaza: A Doctor's Heartbreaking Account Patients in Gaza are succumbing to preventable deaths, notes the head medic at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis. In an interview with RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Dr. Javid Abdelmoneim painted a grim picture. "We lack the resources, time, and personnel even to provide basic pain relief," he lamented. "It's impossible to let patients spend their final moments in peace with loved ones." The chaos is relentless. "We quickly deplete our blood supply. Finding…

Train Derailment in India Results in Two Deaths and 35 Injuries

Tragic Train Derailment in Northern India An Indian train derailed, overturning several carriages, resulting in the tragic loss of at least two lives and injuring 35 others, as frantic rescue operations continue. The ill-fated Chandigarh-Dibrugarh Express spans a journey of 2,640 kilometers, derailed near Ayodhya, the sacred Hindu city in northern India. "Two people have perished," Indian Railways spokesperson Pankaj Kumar Singh relayed to AFP. Uttar Pradesh's relief commissioner, Naveen Kumar, informed AFP that 35 were…

Ugandan Troops Allegedly Connected to Farmers’ Deaths in Somalia

Ugandan Soldiers Implicated in Fatal Incident Involving Somali Farmers MOGADISHU, Somalia - Soldiers from the Ugandan People's Defence Forces (UPDF) have been implicated in the brutal killing of two farmers in southern Somalia, an event that might spark significant outrage and impact peacekeeping efforts. The implicated UPDF troops are part of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), assigned with the task of maintaining order and stability. The ATMIS unit has started a planned withdrawal consistent with…

Cyanide Suspected in the Deaths of Six Foreign Nationals at Bangkok Hotel

Cyanide Poisoning Suspected in Deaths of Six Foreigners at Bangkok Hotel Thai authorities believe cyanide poisoning caused the deaths of six foreigners found lifeless in a swanky Bangkok hotel room. Among the deceased at the plush Grand Hyatt Erawan was the presumed perpetrator. The lethal agent—cyanide—was discovered on drinking glasses and a teapot in the room. Conversations with the victims' relatives divulged a debt-related squabble linked to an investment dispute. Among the six victims were Vietnamese nationals,…

Violent confrontations between militia and military result in more than 50 deaths in Democratic Republic of Congo

Violent Conflict Claims Lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo Rivalry between armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo has resulted in the deaths of more than 50 individuals. The clashes, which occurred between militia forces and the national army, have left a trail of devastation in their wake. The ongoing conflict in the region has escalated in recent weeks, with both sides engaging in fierce battles for control of strategic territories. Casualties continue to mount as the violence shows no signs of…

Somali Prime Minister requires unity to defeat terrorism after 4 deaths

Somali Prime Minister calls for unity to defeat terrorism after the death of 4 footballers MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Roble called on Somalis to unite to defeat terrorism after four footballers were killed in an IED explosion on Friday. Roble condemned the terrorist attack in the town of Kismayo in the Lower Jubba region of Jubaland state and called for an immediate end…

deaths and hospital stays are increasing

"Tunisia needs help" ahead of Covid-19, said Dr Yves Souteyrand, WHO representative on the ground. The country with only 12 million people registers more than 100 deaths per day, the highest death rate on the African continent and in the Arab world. Tunisia is one of the countries that transmits the most information about…

The number of deaths linked to Covid-19 in Africa is

Africa officially regrets 133,000 deaths from Covid-19 2020, according to the World Health Organization. But within organizations, we realize that this figure is largely underestimated due to a lack of testing and adequate reporting. According to a US study, the real path for African victims of Covid could be three to four times higher.…

Polisario reacts after one of its deaths

Dah Al-Bendir, head of the Polisario Gendarmerie and senior official, was killed on Wednesday, April 7, in a drone strike aimed at his convoy in disputed territory in Western Sahara. If Rabat remains silent about this operation, the Polisario Front confirms it and maintains its hostile position vis-à-vis the Moroccan army. The…

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