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Ethiopia Announces Three Days of Mourning After Fatal Landslide

Ethiopia Embarks on Three-Day Mourning to Honor Landslide Victims "The recent, devastating landslide has caused significant heartbreak," noted an Ethiopian official in a somber tone mid-press conference. In light of a disastrous landslide, Ethiopia has proclaimed a national period of grieving lasting three days. The calamity struck with unforgiving force, leaving countless communities grappling with loss and destruction. According to local authorities, the landslide uprooted homes, shattered lives, and claimed an alarming…

power outage in Libreville for five days

In Gabon, Libreville is facing a power outage. Originally, there is maintenance of a Port -Gentil - Libreville gas pipeline that supplies one of the most important power stations in Gabon's capital. The work will last for five days. The Gabonese energy and water company (SEEG) has launched emergency generators, but electricity production is still insufficient, hence a load unloading plan that irritates…

national grief three days after the deadly attack

At least 47 civilians and gendarmes were killed on Wednesday, August 18, in the northern part of the country between Arbinda and Dori in an ambush by suspected terrorists while traveling in a convoy. A three-day national mourning has been ordered by the government. Questions arise about the victims, both civilian and military,…

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Egypt days after Nairobi journey

Somali Prime Minister Roble visits Egypt days after Nairobi trip MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble will be visiting Cairo, Egypt in the coming days, The Axadlereported, just days after completing a three-day tour of Kenya, which reportedly raised questions at Villa Somalia. While in Nairobi, Roble anchored his message on the need for a concrete bilateral relationship…

Somalia: NISA chief Fahad Yasin appoints his deputy a number of days later

Somalia: NISA chief Fahad Yasin appoints his deputy days after Kulane's dismissal MOGADISHU, Somalia - the Somalia spy agency; the National Intelligence Security Agency got a new deputy manager following the unprecedented sacking of Abdullahi Kulane, who called the agency for months because of close ties to Villa Somalia. Several sources told Axadlethat Abbas Yacqub was appointed by NISA boss…

the opposition makes status over the 100 days of

On July 28, it has been 100 days since the head of the Transitional Military Council, Mahamat Idriss Déby, took over as head of Chad after the death of his father Idriss Déby Itno. The political parties took the opportunity to make an overview of the first 100 days of the transition. With our correspondents in Ndjamena,Aurélie…

During the 100 days of Olivier’s kidnapping

It has been more than 100 days since the French journalist Olivier Dubois was kidnapped in Mali. A support meeting was held in Paris in the middle of the day. A banner was displayed in front of the town hall in the 10th arrondissement. The message was clear, open in all speeches: we must talk about Olivier Dubois, we must get…

Radio Omega was suspended for five days by CSC

In Burkina Faso, the radio and television antenna Radio Oméga was interrupted for five days by the Superior Council of Communication. According to CSC's press release, this decision is motivated by a serious failure in the processing of information about the attack by Solhan and by the psychosis that this created in the population.…

The body of a Somali businessman was found days after the disappearance in Kenya

The body of a Somali businessman was found days after the disappearance in Kenya NAIROBI, Kenya - A Somali-American engineering sum has been found dead, about ten days after his abduction, in what may be the most heinous murder in Kenya's history, given the nature and circumstances that led to his death. Bashir Mohammed disappeared about ten days ago from some leafy suburbs of Nairobi, but…

5 folks had been killed in two days in Mali this yr

Two civilians died on Saturday in northern Mali when their automobile handed an explosive machine and fifteen others had been injured. The day earlier than, three Malian troopers had died in related circumstances in the middle of the nation. Deadly incidents of this sort recur in Mali within the grip of a jihadist rebellion.…

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