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Ethiopia Dismisses Somalia’s Allegations of Unauthorized Border Crossings as Unfounded

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia's spokesperson dismisses Somalia's allegation as groundless (Photo File/PD)On Thursday, Ethiopia refuted Somalia's claims that Ethiopian soldiers unlawfully entered Somali territory, calling it "baseless." Last week, Somalia accused Ethiopian troops of crossing the border without the Somali Federal government's consent.Somalia officially lodged the complaint at the United Nations through Ambassador Abukar Dahir Osman. Their allegations mentioned Ethiopian soldiers, not part of the…

Somalia Denounces Unlawful Incursion by Ethiopian Forces Across Border

Due to Ethiopia’s upset-the-apple-cart antics in the region, Mr. Osman divulged that Mogadishu had to delay pulling troops from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia, shifting the date from July to September.Atmis is set to wrap up its stint in the country by December 31 after a 17-year-long deployment.Originally, the force was dispatched to oust the Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Shabab from Mogadishu and bolster the internationally acknowledged federal government.Sanctioned by a UN mandate, the AU force aims to quash Al…

Celebrate the groundbreaking achievement of Minneapolis’ first Somali-American elected official with vibrant ‘Common…

Minneapolis is preparing to reveal "Common Currents," a fresh public art piece that pays tribute to the legacy of the late Hussein Samatar, well-known for uniting cultures in the city's lively community. Scheduled for May 28, "Samatar Crossing" will pay homage to the initial Somali-American to hold public office in Minneapolis. The art display will honor the diverse paths of the local populace. The installation consists of two sculptures on opposite ends of the bridge, showcasing vibrant steel panels adorned with poetry from…

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