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Sudan Conflict: Amnesty Criticizes Influx of Foreign Arms

Amnesty International Demands Arms Embargo for Sudan Amnesty International Demands Arms Embargo for Sudan Amid the chaos still ravaging the nation, Amnesty International implored the UN on July 25, 2024, to broaden the arms embargo from Darfur to encompass all of Sudan. This plea underscores the dire need to halt the influx of weapons and ammunition into a country besieged by a brutal conflict between opposing factions. Hostilities have been ongoing since April 15, 2023, leaving the region…

Netanyahu Criticizes Protesters as ‘Useful Idiots’ in US Address

Netanyahu's Historic Address to U.S. Congress Amid Protests Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made history by addressing the U.S. Congress for the fourth time, amidst a backdrop of protests and controversy. The chambers echoed with applause, standing ovations, cheers, and even whistling after some of his poignant comments. Netanyahu dismissed the protesters, labeling them as "Iran's useful idiots" and expressing that they should feel ashamed. "America and Israel must stand together," he proclaimed, commending U.S.…

NUSOJ Criticizes Lack of Transparency and Major Issues in Somalia’s Official Information Bill, Warns of Impact on Democratic Progress

NUSOJ Blasts Somalia's Info Bill: Secrecy, Flaws Endanger Democracy The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is hitting back hard against the Federal Government of Somalia’s Official Information Bill (OIB). They argue that the Bill, in its current state, goes against core democratic values, accountability, and basic human rights. While the intent to create laws for better transparency is laudable, NUSOJ believes the present draft is seriously flawed. In democratic governance, the right to access information is…

African Union criticizes Somali president

Mohamed Farmajo's term, which expired in February, has been extended by two years. The decision sparked an uproar and was "condemned" on Thursday 22 April by the AU's Peace and Security Council, which will send a special envoy to try to get the country out of the crisis. While the country is facing a serious political blockade and the elections planned last year have still not been held, the lower house has allowed the head of state to remain in power for another two years. Despite the fact that his term of office expired…

The Democratic Republic of Congo criticizes the episcopate

In a statement presented on Thursday in the capital Kinshasa, Congolese Catholic bishops gathered at the National Bishops' Conference in Congo (Cenco) confirmed that more than 6,000 people have been killed in the Beni region since 2013 and more than 2,000 in the neighboring province of Ituri 2020 in the violence raging in this part of Congo-Kinshasa. For the prelates, the current configuration of the army is a problem. And the solution to the crisis includes military operations under international coordination. .

we must “stop scaring the Ivorians”, criticizes Alassane Ouattara

After visiting the Morounou region earlier this month, the Ivorian president spent four days in the Marahoué region. At the end of this new "state visit" in front of the remarkable and the inhabitants of Bouaflé, in the center of the country, Alassane Ouatarra spoke to his political opponents. "The law has been said and the democratic game is now open," the Ivorian president assured Bouaflé. Far from responding to the demands of the opposition, which in particular calls for the dissolution of the Independent Electoral…

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