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Children affected by HIV are better cared for, African countries will benefit

This Tuesday, December 1, is World AIDS Day. The pandemic is still just as virulent and despite the progress made, the goals are far from being achieved. Among the advances, UNITAID, an international drug procurement organization linked to the WHO, announced on Tuesday an agreement that will enable better care for HIV-positive children in developing countries. The cost of treatment will be greatly…

a plan to reduce the debt of poor countries is being prepared

The G20 finance ministers have adopted a new framework that will make it possible to reduce, or even eliminate, some of the debt of the poorest countries in the world. One week before the next G20 summit, finance ministers have decided to go beyond the current moratorium on the debts of poor countries, a moratorium extended to June 2021, but not enough, while some countries in the south are already…

G20 extends moratorium on debt of poor countries by six months

The finance ministers of the G20 countries have decided to extend the moratorium on debt service in the poorest countries by six months (until June), which has already given 46 countries out of 73 the right to suspend a global repayment amount estimated at five billion dollars. The moratorium was expected, although the IMF and the World Bank, as well as a number of NGOs fighting poverty, this gesture is still insufficient given the needs of poor countries. An extension of the moratorium was expected. But many were hoping…

The IMF is rather pessimistic about the recovery of the economy in African countries

If the global economy recovers, the rise to pre-crisis activity levels is likely to be long, erratic and uncertain, the International Monetary Fund said in its economic forecast released at its autumn meetings. . Return to activity will be particularly difficult for certain new and developing countries, where infections are growing rapidly. But also for the African countries that relied on their oil exports or tourism to come back. Sub-Saharan Africa could experience its first recession in 25 years. After 3.2% growth…

Benin suspended from list of “safe countries of origin”

This decision was taken in late September by the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons, which regulates asylum applications in France, and was published on Tuesday. According to the President of Ofpra, it is motivated by "the situation of public and political freedoms in this country". The organization believes that Benin no longer meets the definition of these "safe…

release of emergency aid to 28 countries, including 22 African

The IMF is still at the bedside of the poorest in this time of global crisis. The fund on Monday approved new emergency aid for 28 countries, 22 of which are in Africa. The money received will allow them to either alleviate their debt or help fund the fight against the effects of the pandemic, the IMF says. Last April, The IMF relieved the debt in 25 countries among the poorest by activating an emergency mechanism, the Trust Fund for Assistance and Response to Natural Disasters. A fast and efficient tool, a giant purse of…

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