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US Senator Menendez Found Guilty in Corruption Case

Sen. Bob Menendez Convicted on All Counts in Corruption Trial In a Manhattan federal court, US Democratic Senator Bob Menendez was found guilty on all 16 criminal charges he faced at his corruption trial. After over 12 hours of deliberations spread across three days, the jury reached a decision in a nine-week trial. The 70-year-old senator had denied the allegations, which covered bribery, foreign agent activities, and obstruction of justice. Federal prosecutors focused on what they described as multiple…

monetary scandal inside the Caisse Nationale de

In Madagascar, a number of leaders of the National Social Insurance Fund (CNAPS) are suspected of embezzlement. In a press launch printed on its web site, the Independent Anti-Corruption Office (Bianco) signifies that it has found a case of grand corruption…

seven people arrested for the murder of a jug

South African police are investigating the murder of Babita Deokaran, a government official from the Gauteng region, which includes Johannesburg. She had exposed the corruption surrounding fraudulent public contracts in connection with Covid-19, in favor of "Covidpreneurs", these entrepreneurs who have illegally enriched themselves due to the pandemic. Seven people were arrested on Friday, August 27,…

Former Health Minister Eteni Longondo arrested

Former Congolese Minister of Health Eteni Longondo, accused almost unanimously by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) of embezzling funds set aside for the response to Covid-19 when he was in office in 2020, was placed under a temporary arrest warrant, Friday, August 27, 2021, in the end of a hearing at the prosecutor's office near the Court of Cassation in Kinshasa. He spent the night in Makala…

Action against corruption in Mali: against new

Former Mali Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga, as well as a former finance and economics minister, was indicted and arrested by the Supreme Court, particularly over the purchase of the command plane of former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. In this story, as in others, new arrests may be planned. as reported from…

19 people tried in Mozambique tuna bond scandal

A trial has started for 19 suspects in Mozambique's "hidden debt" or "tuna bonds" scandal. The corruption case allegedly involved a tuna company, maritime security companies and more than $ 2 billion in loans. On Monday, South Africa promised to extradite the man who was then Mozambique's…

the Court of Cassation decides in the case

In France, the Court of Cassation on Wednesday ruled on the appeal of Teodorin Obiang, Vice President of Equatorial Guinea, convicted last year of having built up a fraudulent legacy of more than € 150 million. Is it French law or Equatorial Guinea that must apply to Teodorin Obiang? This is essentially the question that must…

Two African personalities condemned by

The son of Guinea's President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue and Zimbabwean businessman Kudakwashe Tagwirei will no longer be allowed to enter British territory and their bank accounts will be frozen. as reported from London, Marie Boëda"These measures are aimed at individuals who have lined their pockets at the expense of their…

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