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The Taliban say it controls ’85 percent ‘of

The Taliban claimed on Friday that they control 85 percent of Afghanistan after seizing important border crossings with Iran and Turkmenistan, part of a sweeping offensive launched as US troops withdraw from the war-torn nation. Hours after President Joe Biden issued a strong defense of the US withdrawal, the Taliban said its fighters had seized the two major…

NGOs in particular are calling for more controls

While the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund will soon meet to decide on a new loan to be granted to Cameroon, NGOs and civil society organizations are calling on the international organization to demand anti-corruption measures in exchange for government. this loan. Mid-May, a review by the Supreme Court's…

Sandrine Mubenga, the woman who controls the sector

After being close to death due to lack of electricity, Sandrine Mubenga decided to become an energy specialist. Since last year, she has headed the Electricity Regulatory Authority of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Toledo in the state of Ohio, Sandrine Mubenga today shares her life between the United States and his native Congo-Kinshasa.…

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