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DR Congo launches its general mining survey

The Democratic Republic of Congo organizes the general states of the mines, its economy, but which is in contrast to the poverty of the population and the meager economic mobilizations of the state. Bosses from mining companies, civil society and authorities have together made an inventory of the mines since Thursday in Kinshasa.…

France places DR Congo in the red zone

France has just classified the DRC in "red" due to an "active circulation of coronavirus" as well as "the presence of a disturbing variant" in the country. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is the circulation of the Delta variant that is of particular concern to the French authorities. This decision by France imposes…

The Democratic Republic of the Congo intends to run as Head of Community in

Our ambition to restore our country's geostrategic position is now becoming a reality with its membership of the community of East African states. This far-reaching diplomatic and economic act now places our country in the Community of East African States (EAC), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region. These diplomatic results are part of a foreign policy focusing on good…

In the spotlight: the rapprochement between the Democratic Republic of Congo and

The two countries signed three bilateral cooperation agreements this weekend. "The first indicates the siteCD news, on the promotion and protection of investments. The second is a convention to avoid double taxation and to avoid tax evasion. Finally, the third agreement concerns the exploitation of gold between two companies, Congolese and Rwandan. ”Goals, inheritance Young Africa: "Ensure the traceability" of the yellow…

Democratic Republic of Congo “lost” on “Chinese contracts” from

What happened to the money from Chinese contracts in the Democratic Republic of Congo? According to a Congolese NGO, Afrewatch, the state would largely be the loser in what had been described in 2008 as the "contract of the century". A consortium of Chinese companies would grant $ 6 billion in loans to the country and enjoy privileged access to its mineral resources. Afrewatch investigated this "mine…

The examine in Congo is investigating

Within the Democratic Republic of the Congo there's multiple tax, the charge of which is strongly criticized by the residents, that is the case for Go Go, a charge charged by the Civil Aviation Authority since 2009. The Director Common of the Régie des airways (RVA) was sentenced in January to twenty years imprisonment for embezzlement. For the Congo examine group (GEC), a analysis middle at New York…

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