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China Commits $51 Billion to Africa, Vowing Employment Opportunities, Infrastructure Development, and Sustainable Energy Solutions

China Commits $51 Billion to Africa: A Pledge for Jobs, Infrastructure, and Sustainable Energy In a significant address to representatives from over fifty African nations, Xi Jinping declared, "We have built roads, railways, schools, and hospitals together, transforming countless lives." This statement underscores China's determination to forge a "shared future" with Africa while advancing development across the Global South. Chinese state media reports that the colossal $51 billion commitment includes about $29.6 billion…

Mali commits to “respecting its commitments”

First official reaction in Bamako after France's decision to suspend joint operations with the Malian armed forces. The Malian Foreign Ministry received the French Ambassador to Bamako, Joel Meyer, on Friday. At the end of the interview, a press release was published while other measures are being taken to calm the situation.…

a collective commits to uncovering the name of the game

We can only hope that this will shake things up a bit. We are not completely naive and we know that defense secrets exist in practically all countries, in all democracies, but more or less in a virulent way. What we can hope for is that at least it can lead to thinking a little more about the lock. There were attempts ... There is the impression that the President of the Republic - whether in the Maurice Audin affair or for Rwanda - would like us to have easier access to documents, to archives classified as a defense…

the highly effective UPC team commits to withdraw

In the Central African Republic, one of the most powerful armed groups in the country, Ali Darasa's Central African Republic Peace Unit (UPC) "undertakes" to "withdraw from the Coalition of Patriots for Change", CPC, this rebel coalition was formed in December and which has since tried to overthrow President Touadéra. This is stated in a press release released on Monday night, the authenticity of which…

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