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Collaboration between Northeastern State’s Environment Minister and Czech Researchers Boosts Biodiversity Research

In a noteworthy development, the Environment & Climate Change Minister of Northeastern State, Somalia, Mohamed Abdirahman, recently met with Czech researchers to discuss biodiversity studies. The Czech delegation, including researchers specializing in mammals, reptiles, and plant species, expressed their interest in extending their research to Northeastern State. They shared their findings from previous studies in Somalia and highlighted the importance of studying rare reptile species to maintain ecological balance.…

Boosting China-Africa Collaboration: Provoking Change Through FOCAC Initiative

Chinese and Ethiopian officials emphasized the need to strengthen collaboration between China and Africa within the framework of FOCAC. At the Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, people are checking in at the new domestic terminal on May 18, 2024. The call for enhanced cooperation was made during a high-level conference in Addis Ababa titled "Revisiting Ethiopia's Role in FOCAC and the Way Forward." Eshete Tilahun, from the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, praised FOCAC for promoting infrastructure…

Boosting Collaboration: Kenya and Uganda Ink Pacts for Strengthening Partnerships

Kenyan President William Ruto warmly greeted Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni at the State House in Nairobi on May 16, 2024. The two countries, Kenya and Uganda, inked multiple deals to strengthen their partnership. One of the agreements permits Uganda to bring in and transport processed oil products through Kenya from other producing areas. This move aims to solve issues faced by Uganda's oil sector, as stated by Kenya's President William Ruto. Ruto expressed optimism that these agreements will strengthen their bond and…

Enhancing Collaboration: Kenya and Somalia Forge Stronger Ties at Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting in Nairobi

Nairobi - High-ranking officials from Somalia and Kenya are currently participating in the Kenya-Somalia Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC) meeting in Kenya, scheduled to run from May 3 to May 6, 2024. Leading the Somali delegation is Mohamed Fatir, the Director of Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, along with Ambassador Jabril Ibrahim Abdulle, who serves as the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to Kenya. The conference is divided into two parts: the joint technical…

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