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AU militia leader of team of workers leaves Somalia as

AU military chief of staff leaves Somalia when Al-Shabaab ups attack MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prior to the expected exit after completion and full implementation of the Somali transition plan , top officers working on the African Union mission in Somalia continue to leave and pave the way for the new leadership as the country pushes for stability. On Monday, the team held a colorful ceremony for Brig. Gen…

visit by the Chief of Staff of the French armies

The Chief of Staff of the French armies concluded a 48-hour visit on Friday, December 11, to Mali. General Lecointre went north to visit the French and European troops present in this part of the country to fight terrorism. He ended his visit, the first since the coup on August 18, through Bamako, where he met with several transitional authorities.…

Nigerian police chief reformulates special units

Often challenged by the population and human rights defenders for various abuses of power or brutality, these federal police forces see their area of ​​focus limited. Special units will now have to limit themselves to their main mission. Armed robberies, kidnappings, violent crimes, in short, organized crime, fall within the reach of Nigerian special forces. And that should now be their only activity. The Chief of Police, Inspector General Muhammed Adamu, was categorical: there was no longer a question of routine checks,…

Pentagon chief Mark Esper on official visit to Algeria

The US Secretary of Defense continues his three-day visit to North Africa, which is also his first trip to the African continent. After Tunisia yesterday, Mark Esper made a stopover in Algiers on October 1, before heading for Morocco tomorrow. No Pentagon leader has visited Algeria since Donald Rumsfeld in 2006. The goal is to strengthen cooperation between the two countries on security issues.…

Pentagon chief Mark Esper on tour in the Maghreb

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will begin a three-day visit to North Africa on Wednesday 30 September. Mark Esper makes his first trip to the African continent. He will talk about anti-jihadist cooperation. First step, Wednesday: Tunisia. Mark Esper has a meeting with President Kaïs Saied and his Minister of Defense. About the program: strengthening ties between the United States and Tunisia and the fight against jihadist organizations. And it should also be a question of China's and Russia's activities on the African…

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