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Burkina Faso: Thousands of People Face Violence

Burkina Faso's Crisis Pushes Thousands to Seek Safety in Niger The dire state of security in Burkina Faso has driven hordes of people across the border into Niger. According to a recent statement from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), issued on July 23, the scenario is alarming. They pointed out that this swell of refugees is making an already "catastrophic" situation in the Tillabéry region even worse.

Burkina Faso: Continued Legal Proceedings for the Terrorist Attack

First Terrorist Attack in Burkina Faso: Trial Underway First Terrorist Attack in Burkina Faso: Trial Underway Since Monday, the trial concerning what is thought to be the inaugural terrorist strike in Burkina Faso has been ongoing in Ouagadougou. On October 9, 2015, roughly fifty armed assailants launched an attack on the Samorogouan Gendarmerie Brigade, approximately thirty kilometers from Mali's frontier. After nearly ten years, around a dozen individuals stand before the…

News Update: Rising Number of Missing Persons Reported in Burkina Faso

Rise in Abductions Under Sahel Military Regimes In the Sahel region, where military juntas hold power, a disturbing trend is emerging: the mysterious disappearances of dissidents. Human rights activists, trade unionists, religious figures, journalists, and soldiers vanish without a trace, caught outside any semblance of legal processes. Take Lieutenant Colonel Yves Didier Bamouni from Burkina Faso, for instance. "He's been missing since July 13," notes Jeune Afrique. Armed, masked men reportedly apprehended him…

Burkina Faso: Thousands Protest in Djibo

Protest in Djibo, Burkina Faso Mass Protest in Djibo Over Security Concerns and Blockade On Saturday, in the town of Djibo, situated approximately 200 kilometers north of Ouagadougou, a massive rally took place. Thousands gathered to voice their discontent regarding the escalating insecurity and the ongoing siege affecting their community.

Burkina Faso: Media Groups Denounce

Press Freedom Under Siege in Burkina Faso: The Arrest of Journalist Alain Traoré Press organizations in Burkina Faso demand answers after the recent arrest of Alain Traoré, better known to the public as Alain Alain. Traoré, a prominent voice on Radio Oméga, reportedly vanished on Saturday, July 13. His family claims he was seized by armed men masquerading as intelligence officers. This worrying incident happens amid a pervasive "climate of fear and self-censorship," as noted by Reporters Without Borders. Journalists in…

Burkina: Ex-leader Damiba condemns the “ignorance” of

Urgent Appeal for Security Measures in Burkina Faso Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, who helmed the Burkinabè transition for several months in 2022, has put pen to paper, voicing his concerns. Jeune Afrique reports that Damiba addressed a heartfelt letter to Ibrahim Traoré, the current state leader. In his communiqué, he expressed profound apprehensions about Burkina Faso's precarious security landscape. Paul-Henri fervently urges prompt and decisive actions to stave off a looming catastrophe. "Adopt urgent measures to avert…

Burkina Faso: Fresh Assault in Djibo Causes Significant Destruction

Attack on Djibo, Burkina Faso Violent Assault in Djibo, Burkina Faso Leaves Citizens in Fear In the devilishly early hours of Wednesday, July 17, the peace of Djibo in Burkina Faso’s Soum province was shattered. Shadows bearing arms raided multiple crucial locations across the town. The surprise attack left the townsfolk terrified and bewildered, struggling to comprehend the sudden violence inflicted upon their home. Eyewitnesses recount the chaos that unfolded as the gunmen struck, targeting pivotal…

Burkina Faso: Protests Erupt in Bogandé

Protesters in Bogandé, Burkina Faso Demand Increased Security Amid Growing Concerns In the eastern reaches of Burkina Faso, the people of Bogandé in Gnagna province took to the streets on Wednesday, July 17th. This marked their second protest this month, begging for enhanced safety measures. Tensions have been mounting since early July.

Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso: How a military triumvirate

The military juntas of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso signed a treaty Saturday to confederate 72 million people into the Alliance of Sahel States (ESA), a move they say will not only allow the three nations to eradicate the scourge of jihadist violence from their countries but also build a new economic alliance that will reshape West Africa.

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