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Congo-B: Brazzaville Students Express Discontent with a

Resuming Classes at Marien Ngouabi University Amid Unrest Students at Marien Ngouabi University in Congo-Brazzaville returned to their studies after a 40-day hiatus. This break was the result of a strike spearheaded by educators demanding overdue salaries. Now that the strike has ended, the return to school hasn't been smooth sailing for everyone. Some students describe the resumption as "sloppy," citing a breakneck class pace that leaves them struggling to keep up. The abrupt transition from a standstill to a sprint in…

The Corniche de Brazzaville road was reopened

In Congo-Brazzaville, one of the capital's beautiful roads has reopened, a year and a half after it was closed. This is the ledge bordering the Congo River, a part that had collapsed after heavy rains. It had been closed to traffic and has just reopened, to the delight of users. as reported from Brazzaville, Loïcia…

underground clubs in Brazzaville pay tribute to Jacob

Brazzaville is recognized as the cradle of rumba. But this city with more than 1.5 million souls also vibrated in the 80s and 90s to the rhythm of the souk of the legendary Cassava group whose main host, Jacob Desvarieux, bowed on Friday 30 July. Nightclubs, even though they were officially closed due to Covid-19, pay tribute to him.…

Congo-Brazzaville: in Brazzaville, the development of

Decades old, built in the lowlands of northern Brazzaville, the Jacques Opangault district has more than 35,000 residents who say they are "abandoned". The development of the only access road to this residential area, which was launched in 2018, suddenly stopped. The then mayor of the capital who initiated them, accused of…

in Brazzaville, rubbish is almost piled up

The private company responsible for collecting household waste through the working class districts of Brazzaville sometimes spends weeks without working in certain areas where the waste piles up in front of sensitive points such as markets. Populations fear that other diseases will appear during this period of struggle against Covid-19. At the small makeshift market at the "Low Price" bus station in the Nkombo district, 24-year-old merchant Vanessa offers a variety of fish. But she often encounters an army of flies from…

expelled by Brazzaville, mining corporations

On March 13, Congo-Brazzaville awarded the Chinese Sangha Mining Development the exploitation of three iron deposits in the north of the country. These mining permits were first awarded to three companies linked to Australian interests before the Congolese government took them back in November and angered the miners. They are threatening the Congo with lawsuits and demanding billions of dollars in compensation. The case could lead…

Félix Tshisekedi on a working visit to Brazzaville

The President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Félix Tshisekedi crossed the Congo River on Monday 26 October to Brazzaville, where he will attend the 80th anniversary of the Brazzaville Manifesto, De Gaulle's call for resistance against Nazi Germany during World War II. He will use this stay to discuss bilateral issues and internal politics with his counterpart Denis Sassou Nguesso.…

new controversy following a dismissal at Brazzaville CHU

The president of the Intersyndicale du Center hospitalier universitaire (CHU) de Brazzaville, who has long condemned the poor management of the Canadian management of this company, was fired as an agent. A decision poorly digested by his colleagues who demand his recovery and threaten to strike. From our correspondent in Brazzaville, According to the dismissal note signed by the new Director General of the CHU, Denis Bernard Raiche, Victor Bienvenu Kouama is accused in particular of making insulting remarks and making…

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