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Angry Chadian women protest in Ndjamena

One hundred women were in front of the courthouse in Ndjamena this morning to protest against violence against women and the impunity that the perpetrators of these crimes enjoy. The protesters were furious after a new rape case. The message was sung by some thirty protesters dressed in black and a sign in their hand, describes…

The young people of Tunis are angry

A demonstration against police violence mobilized about 100 civilians on Friday, June 18, in Tunis, following other protests in the capital this week. as reported from Tunis, Lilia blaiseUnder a blazing sun, young people claim their right to demonstrate and express themselves. Avenue Bourguiba, crossed by the police who are…

angry day for doctors who demand important changes

Nurses have gone out into the country to condemn working conditions that have become unbearable. Nearly 10,000 white coats marched in Tunis to demand a profound reform of a health system at the end of its rope. as reported from Tunis, Michel PicardAnger is felt in the long procession that links the Ministry of Health to the…

young people angry at the tragedies of emigration

A march in honor of the victims of illegal emigration was organized on Saturday 21 November in Dakar by associations united in the collective "480", referring to the number of migrants who died at sea in one week at the end of October, according to the NGO emergency telephone. One hundred people marched in silence to urge authorities and citizens to respond.…

doctor Mukwege angry at politicians

Despite President Tshisekedi's decision to suspend the installation of Minembwe municipality, this issue continues to provoke strong reactions in Congolese society. Report at Panzi hospital in Bukavu. With our special correspondent in Bukavu, Sonia RolleyThis municipality located in the highlands of the southern Kivu was…

angry movement at the largest hospital in East Africa

Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, went on strike on Monday, September 28th. The employees of this company, which employs 5,000 people, are demanding wage increases. But several tragedies brought the case to court. Yesterday, a special court ordered the suspension of the movement. Collected by the hundreds in the courtyard of the hospital, employees ask where their money is. They demand the application of a decision by Parliament dating back to 2012, which had changed the pay categories and should lead to an…

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