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Trial of American Journalist Evan Gershkovich in Russia Resumes

US Reporter Evan Gershkovich's Trial Continues in Russia Behind the iron curtain of a Russian courtroom, Evan Gershkovich, an American journalist, faces espionage accusations deemed baseless by his employer and the White House. The second hearing in his trial, which initially kicked off on 26 June, began late morning in Yekaterinburg. A court representative informed AFP but withheld further details. Gershkovich's employer, alongside the White House, insists the charges are ludicrous. His legal team managed to push for…

American journalist “killed in Irpin” close to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital

American journalist "killed in Irpin" close to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital KIEV, Ukraine - An American journalist was killed and one other was injured whereas protecting Russia's warfare in Ukraine. Brent Renaud, a US citizen and award-winning filmmaker who as soon as labored for The New York Times, was shot and killed within the northern Ukrainian city of Irpin on Sunday. "We are deeply…

The American show of The Daughters of Illighadad – RFI

Five years after their debut, as a miracle, the Daughters traveled to Illighadad around the world to spread their desert blues in combination with women. At Pioneer Works, a record with undeniable charm and power, recorded live in Brooklyn, testifies. A magic, an enchanting energy, woven on a handful of tones, a brilliant meditation inflated by electricity, guitars with circular and infectious songs, irrevocable clapping of the hands, traditional water drums - the tendency - for foundations and…

Madobe meets American troops serving in Jubaland as KDF donates meals

Madobe meets American troops serving in Jubaland as KDF donates meals KISMAYO, Somalia - Jubaland President Ahmed Islam Mohamed Madobe on Tuesday held a closed-door assembly with a bit of US troops stationed within the state of Jubaland, the place Al-Shabaab has been a menace for thus a few years. Al-Shabaab militants management massive elements of central and southern Somalia in…

Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana are rebelling in opposition to two American chocolate makers

Hershey's and Mars, two American corporations within the chocolate trade, draw anger from Abidjan and Accra. Ivorian and Ghanaian cocoa regulators criticize them for undermining efforts to extend farmers 'producers' incomes. The 2 multinational corporations have "quickly" modified provider to keep away from financing the respectable revenue distinction, a bonus supposed for cocoa farmers.…

The American Autobiography of Alain Mabanckou – Writing Paths

Author of a corpus of thirty books in which fiction co-exists with poetry and essays, the Congolese Alain Mabanckou is also a professor of literature in California. In the fall, the author publishes "Rumors of America," a collection of essays, halfway between sociological reflections and journalistic chronicles that tell American life and its turbulences. “I came to literature from excessive loneliness and lived in Africa as the only child who carried amazement in his dreams. And then there was this kind of fear of…

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