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Alassane Ouattara

Alassane Ouattara’s RHDP retains its majority

Ivorians now know the face of their new National Assembly, which stems from the legislative election on Saturday, March 6, in which almost all the political forces had participated in peace. After two days of rolling out the results, the country is set this time. With our special correspondent in Abidjan, Francois MazetSo it is…

Kouadio Konan Bertin was appointed Minister of Reconciliation

Alassane Ouattara's opponent in the presidential election in October last year, KKB alias Kouadio Konan Bertin, was appointed reconciliation minister on Tuesday, December 15. A ministry whose creation had been announced the day before by Alassane Ouattara during his oath for a third term as president of Côte d'Ivoire. Announced by Alassane Ouattara during his tar edOn Monday, December 14, the Ministry of National Reconciliation will have seen the light of day the next day. And it was entrusted to KKB, Kouadio Konan…

President Ouattara is sworn in for a third term

The inauguration ceremony was held on Monday at the Presidential Palace in Abidjan. Alassane Ouattara swore in for a third term as head of state. as reported from Abidjan, Pierre PintoCeremony ended early in the afternoon. The guests then began to leave the Presidential Palace. Guests included a dozen heads of state from the…

Alassane Ouattara will be sworn in for a third term

It is this Monday, December 14, that Alassane Ouattara will be sworn in for a third term as head of Côte d'Ivoire. A ceremony will be held at the Presidential Palace in Abidjan where several African leaders will be announced. as reported from Abidjan, Pierre PintoThe ceremony is supposed to be "sober" - 300 guests alike - and…

opposition youths step on the plate

Following a first official contact two weeks ago between re-elected President Alassane Ouattara and opposition leader Henri Konan Bédié, negotiations on resolving the current political crisis are at a standstill. The young activists from various opposition parties spoke in silence on both sides on Friday 27 November to ensure that the slogan for civil disobedience launched on 20 November is still in…

the dialog remains off when the opponents are released

Since the meeting between Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara and the leader of the united opposition, Henri Konan Bédié, on November 11, the two camps have been relatively quiet. Although tensions have fallen one step in the country, the election crisis, which has caused the deaths of at least 85 people, is far from resolved. On Friday, November 20, Henri Konan Bédié, chairman of the PDCI, officially announced that he would "suspend" this dialogue as long as the opposition cadres, still in prison, were not released. "I…

The Church demands an independent commission of inquiry

In Côte d'Ivoire, the Bishops' Conference is outraged and condemns all violence "from all political camps". In Côte d'Ivoire, the Bishops' Conference calls on political leaders to continue the dialogue. The Catholic bishops, who condemn all violence "from all political camps", want "an independent commission of inquiry" because "the authors of these crimes must be sought so that they are accountable for their actions in the face of impartial justice". "We encourage the two main leaders in the current political life of…

for Macron, Alpha Condé amended the constitution “only to retain power”

In an interview with the newspaper "Jeune Afrique", the French president looks back on the major projects that have been carried out with Africa since his arrival in the Élysée and can boast a change of method. He tackles Russia and Turkey who want to play against French sentiments according to him and expresses himself about the situation in many countries, starting with Mali. In Mali, Emmanuel Macron does notthis interview, comments on the current transition but recalls that he refuses discussions with jihadist groups…

President Ouattara speaks during the RHDP’s political council

In Côte d'Ivoire, the RHDP, at the Mardisoir, held a political council to take stock of the election and the period that followed. Alassane Ouattara spoke with leaders of the ruling party, while the political climate is still tense. with our correspondent in Abdijan, Pierre PintoBefore Alassane Ouattara began his remarks,…

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